Considering SCEA -- Need Advice

<p>Earlier today and started thinking about whether or not I would want to apply EA. I've known for a while I wanted to go to Stanford, but never thought EA. Now, considering I only have 3 weeks, should I go ahead and try? I have absolutely nothing done except the main Common App essay. I'm asking for teacher recommendations tomorrow, but I feel as If I'm not going to have enough time. Should I go for EA, or just stick with RD?</p>


<p>Teachers/counselors only ask for 2 weeks notice, usually. (Has to postmarked, not received by November 1). The supplement can be done on a Saturday, proofed on Sunday, and evaluated the following week. If you think you can get in on your current stats and you want to go there, by all means, do it!</p>

<p>Hmmm, you probably can get the essays done in time. However, I don't know how teachers will take it that you only give them three weeks notice. My teachers asked for a month's advanced notice. Check with your teachers.</p>