
<p>I visited Emory's campus and thought it was absolutely gorgeous--except for the constant construction going on! I found it a bit of a nuisance, but maybe I'm just weird xD I realize that they're tearing down old dorms and building new ones but is construction work always going on or did I pick a bad date to visit?</p>

<p>always going on.</p>

<p>and it’s really annoying when they start at 8:00 in the morning and I’m trying to sleep</p>

<p>And teh major road is being worked on and they do that really late at night when Im trying to sleep.</p>


<p>Emory started a program five years ago to replace ALL the freshmen dorms with very nice new ones. They still need to build the last three dorms, so there will be construction until that is done.</p>