<p>I looked over my app again today, and realized to my horror that I had uploaded the undedited version of my why engineering. The typos were quite egregious, but I guess not visible enough for me to notice on my print preview scan. Some were just so ridiculous (like I had strictly misspelled strickly)....</p>
<p>There were about 4 errors in total; I guess my edits didn't save in MS word or something. What should I do?</p>
<p>I had a similar problem though I only had one mistake. Consensus is don’t resubmit as it will just annoy adcoms and further underscore your errors.</p>
<p>There’s nothing you can really do; contacting them about it will seem pretty trite and petty for just four errors.</p>
<p>Yeah, I wouldn’t have worried if it was just one or two. They were just such lame mistakes that it will very much appear careless. Arg</p>
<p>They might even think its so bad they’ll realize it was the pre-edit version! oh well</p>
<p>I mean it’s definitely not good but it’s not terrible</p>
<p>I think ill call them firs thing tomorrow and just ask who to contact. I have a very distinct card I could play so they might allow it.</p>