Congrats @PopPrincessPop!
I just found this thread as my D is a year behind … but with some similar questions. So though I may start a new thread, I’m putting this here b/c I’m hoping those involved in this one may have some good advice. Apologies in advance for the book.
My D (current HS junior) is starting the college search and we’re realizing it’s going to be a challenge figuring out how to prioritize. She’s classically trained in voice and piano for years, and wants to continue though unsure if she’ll make those parts of music a career, so leaning away from conservatories. She’s also been a singer/songwriter/performer with voice/piano/guitar since she was 10, loves performing, produced her own albums, and is seriously considering the more contemporary/pop route. She’s also however entirely in love with MT and wants to be somewhere she can pursue MT (she and her sisters have been all Hamilton, all the time, for months … guess I shouldn’t complain!)
We’re very much an LAC family so the lists have started there, but we’re realizing quickly that outside conservatories, most LAC music departments (even at top tier schools that have resources) can’t hold a candle to Luther College, right here in Decorah Iowa where we live. D and I recently did a college visit loop on a trip out east that included Wesleyan, Bard, Berklee, and Vassar, with more cursory swing by Barnard/Columbia and NYU. She ate up Berklee, wasn’t interested in Bard/Wesleyan, lukewarm on Vassar, and did not want to leave NYC.
So our thinking is quickly moving beyond the LAC universe. She realizes she’s not going to “do it all”, and she understands the value of being able to explore options in arts and academics at LACs, and that if she does move towards a career in performing arts she’ll need to focus. But she’s quite strong academically (nothing may be out of reach) and may find serious interest in humanities or social sciences as well. Cost does matter, which ironically we’re finding can lead to a focus on expensive top-tier academic schools which are also very generous with aid.
So my general question: advice on how to help her think about the college search, whether to try and focus on one aspect of performing arts now and focus the search there (eg classical music v contemporary music v MT), or just try to find a place fairly strong in all and explore and then possibly pursue an MFA later? More specific question, suggestions of schools in (probably) more urban settings that could offer “some of everything” in performing arts AND strong academics and financial aid? We’re not ruling out Berklee, but also thinking about places like Northwestern, University of Michigan, Brown/Yale (of the ivies they seem most pertinent), maybe Barnard/Columbia. Big challenge is that a chunk of that universe of schools that might “have it all” are public universities and out-of-state costs may be out of reach.
Thanks ahead for advice, feedback