<p>So I was on academic probation for a couple quarters at a previous university. During the last quarter (Fall 2008), I was basically given the word that this was my last chance. I got decent grades (all B's), but somehow got it into my head that it wasn't enough to raise me GPA adequately and I had been kicked out of the university.</p>
<p>Under this assumption, I didn't register for subsequent quarters and went straight to a community college to begin in the summer, which is where I am now.</p>
<p>Now I'm wondering if I was ever officially kicked out? I never received a letter explicitly stating the case. In fact, I found that I had received an e-mail saying that I had met the conditions for my Fall 2008 probation contract and I would have to see my counselors to register for Winter/Spring, which I failed to do.</p>
<p>I've received no information since. Am I still enrolled? Will the time I unknowingly took off affect my status? How can I check?</p>
<p>Also, I have finally decided on a major, one that is not offered at this particular university. Should I still go back and work to transfer, or continue at the community college and transfer?</p>