Convoluted question regarding academic probation and transferring schools?

<p>So I was on academic probation for a couple quarters at a previous university. During the last quarter (Fall 2008), I was basically given the word that this was my last chance. I got decent grades (all B's), but somehow got it into my head that it wasn't enough to raise me GPA adequately and I had been kicked out of the university.</p>

<p>Under this assumption, I didn't register for subsequent quarters and went straight to a community college to begin in the summer, which is where I am now.</p>

<p>Now I'm wondering if I was ever officially kicked out? I never received a letter explicitly stating the case. In fact, I found that I had received an e-mail saying that I had met the conditions for my Fall 2008 probation contract and I would have to see my counselors to register for Winter/Spring, which I failed to do.</p>

<p>I've received no information since. Am I still enrolled? Will the time I unknowingly took off affect my status? How can I check?</p>

<p>Also, I have finally decided on a major, one that is not offered at this particular university. Should I still go back and work to transfer, or continue at the community college and transfer?</p>

<p>Your not enrolled unless you register. You should have been mailed something, but either way you need to speak with your old counselor to find out for sure. Dont go back and transfer because your just wasting money, stay at CC and try to transfer somewhere better. Get better grades too. And in the essay, make up some crap about family struggles as the reason your grades dropped and you were kicked out but that you have changed. By the way, you cant unknowingly take time off, you know when your taking time off. I think you meant that will it effect you, that answer is no. I took 4 years off after high school and went back to CC and transfered easily.</p>