Cooper short answers?

<p>I am answering Cooper short answers right now...
But I don't know how much I am supposed to write..
Does anyone know how much I am supposed to write?</p>

<p>a short answer.</p>

<p>idk, i'm gonna answer those over winter break haha</p>

<p>I am a sophmore, writ as much as you think answrs the question.</p>

<p>I’ve been reading around but apparently all of those can be answered within two paragraphs or when it’s short, two sentences.</p>

<p>Most questions shouldn’t even take two sentences. They use a formula for the admissions process so just as long you don’t mention being a serial killer or winning a Nobel Prize, it should have next to no impact on your admissions outcome. Most of my answers were one sentence and I got in just fine.</p>

<p>listen to Acar. He knows what hes talking about. I handed mine two days late and I know one kid who even handed his in a week late…</p>

<p>If these answers dont really matter much in admission, then what do they value?</p>

<p>test scores, gpa, and rigor of high school curriculum…for engineers</p>

<p>for others I think is based on portfolio or home test main.</p>