<p>Hi I plan to transfering to CALS in the fall of 09. My major will be Bio and here is the statistics of my stats.</p>
<p>Current College: Harford Community College
Major: Biology
Year: Freshman</p>
<p>1st Year 1st Semester Classes and current grades as I know of.
Eng 101 (honors): A
Math 203 (Cal 1): A
Chemistry 111 (General Chem 1): A
CIS 102: A</p>
<p>1st Year 2nd Semester classes (in which I plan to take)
Eng 109
Math 204 (Cal 2)
Chem 112 (General Chem 2)
Bio 120 (General Bio 1)
Phy 203 (General Phy with calculus)</p>
<p>Also courses that I will take during the summer
Bio 2 at University of Maryland College Park
Possible Internship or research opprtunity for the summer as well</p>
<p>High school stats.
Highschool: Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
GPA: 93.5125
Rank: 30/340</p>
<p>Extracirrcular Actvities
JV Soccer
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Tennis
National Honor Society
N2Him Christian Club
Math/Science Club
Outdoor adventure Club
Relay For Life (I do this 3x a year)</p>
<p>NOpe… does it matter? im applying for biological science. On the website it says anyone with a 3.5 major are competitive for the biological science major as a transfer. So it shouldnt matter if it is or isnt</p>
<p>I don’t know how they will feel about you taking Bio 2 during the summer. I know at least for GT, it has to be taken before the summer…I’m just guessing though. Other then that, your chances look good. SAT scores?</p>
<p>Right, but if your CC had an agreement it would obviously boost your chances. As it stands, you have a pretty decent chance considering that you’re applying as a sophomore with a pretty decent high school record too.</p>
<p>i have called them, went to transfer day, and ask questions about it, and they all said it will not affect my chances for admission, as long as i complete bio 2 for over the summer at any credited college. I just have to put that in my common application when i send it in.
My SAT scores total was a 2100
Reading: 650
Math: 750
Writing: 700</p>
<p>No one can tell you your chances. On the Transfer board, many applicants posted their stats and whether they were rejected or accepted. Tons of qualified students, who looked like good fits, with 3.8+ college GPA’s were rejected. Same thing with the HS ED applicants - there were a bunch of highly qualified students rejected. For all we know, Admissions tosses all the apps in a giant vat and then fishes them out with a pole to decide.</p>