<p>My first flat-out rejection.
Not too upset though, since I got into Dartmouth :)</p>
<p>Congrats to those who got in!</p>
<p>My first flat-out rejection.
Not too upset though, since I got into Dartmouth :)</p>
<p>Congrats to those who got in!</p>
<p>The total number of applications received for freshman admission was 40,006, the highest to date – a 5.8 percent increase over 2012, when 37,812 applications were received, and a 9.9 percent increase since 2011.
The overall admit rate of 15.2 percent (reflecting early decision and regular decision) was lower; in 2012, 16.2 percent of applicants were selected for admission, compared with 18 percent in 2011.
A total of 6,062 applicants were admitted, compared with 6,119 in 2012.
The university offered 3,142 students a place on the waitlist, a slight increase from 3,120 last year.</p>
<p>Accepted to college of engineering!
2150 SAT, ECs mostly music/theater</p>
<p>^Jesus that’s some drop. Accepted people should be ecstatic mehn.</p>
<p>Cornell is my dream school and I received this:</p>
<p>Within the next few days you will receive notification from the undergraduate college to which youve applied that you are being offered a transfer option. Please contact the college directly if you have any questions.</p>
<p>What is it?</p>
<p>ACCEPTED!!! Human Ecology, HBHS major!</p>
<p>SAT: 2180 (1420 just CR and M)
GPA: 4.0? (96% average, all A’s…we don’t use GPA here)
International and applied for financial aid!</p>
<p>So will the financial aid offer come in the mail with the acceptance package?</p>
<p>thesockshave – You will be offered the opportunity to enroll at another college and transfer in next year (Fall of 2014 would be my guess) so long as you do well at that college. I’ve known this to happen to a couple of students in our area but neither ended up going to Cornell as they both fell in love with the back-up college.</p>
<p>O okay, thank you. I was really confused. The first paragraph sounded like a rejection letter then it was that then a sign-off that sounded accceptance-esq.</p>
<p>Is there a decision thread? Those 2018,19ers could really use it.</p>
<p>Accepted to ILR today!
2160 SAT, 32 ACT, 780 US, 750 math I, 650 Math II.
4.0 GPA
Wait, will everyone have the chance to transfer? I think I want to switch to A and S</p>
<p>Did anyone get that their decision wasnt ready and they would recieve it in the mail in 5 to 7 days?</p>
2110 SAT/30 ACT
4.0 W GPA
Tons of ECs and community service
Pretty good essays
Normal rec letters</p>
<p>Wait-listed. Disappointed, but still some shred of hope (no matter how small).</p>
<p>Just checked and yup. rejected. Oh wells =/</p>
<p>Human Ecology, 2150 SAT, 33 ACT 3.96 UW GPA, tons of extra currics, and leadership!</p>
<p>Decision: Waitlisted Agriculture and Life Sciences</p>
<p>SAT I: 1410/2140 (800 CR, 610 M, 730 W)
SAT II: 650 US, 690 Lit
ACT: 29 (DNS)
GPA: 3.7 UW, 4.1 W
ECs: Very Strong (Peer Leaders Volunteer Organization Member, Environmental Group Member, NHS Historian, Varsity Baseball Captain, Political Discussion Club Member, Theater Participant)
Essays: Awesome, I spent a very long time on my Cornell supplement essay.
Interview: Went extremely well and could tell that the interviewer was really pulling for me.
State: MA</p>
<p>Accepted: UNH, UVM, UMass Amherst, UPitt, James Madison, Syracuse (Newhouse), Villanova, Boston University</p>
<p>Waiting On: USC Annenberg </p>
<p>Rejected: Penn, Duke</p>
<p>Reaction: I am dissapointed that I wasn’t accepted but am still mildly hopeful for a waitlist acceptance no matter how implausible. Congratulations to all accepted students!</p>
<p>Guaranteed Transfer. Both happy and disappointed. Now I just need to decide if I should take the opportunity and go to Cornell my sophomore year. Congratulations to all those accepted and to those of you rejected its their loss(;</p>
<p>There is one now. I created one.</p>
I am so very excited, this is awesome and surprising news.
I only had a 1990 on my SAT. I thought I had absolutely no chance. Cornell was a mega reach, oh my!! Congratulations to all others who were accepted. To those who did not make it, there are bigger and better things out there for you, most definitely!
My happiness level is crazy high!</p>