Cornell Class of 2017 RD Discussion

<p>Have to ask, btw. Who the hell would request a paper copy of a rejection letter?</p>

<p>Wait-listed. Does anyone know what percent of wait listed applicants usually get admitted? And when they’re notified?</p>

<p>Maxyend…I was thinking the same thing!!!</p>

<p>Waitlisted. Dang, another one. OH well.</p>

<p>waitlisted for ILR</p>

<p>Accepted :slight_smile:
And Lol rejected from Columbia</p>

<p>What is the link I’m supposed to be checking? I’m so confused. O_O</p>

<p>ahhh accepted :D</p>


<p>Oh my gosh! It’s over and I got into Cornell!</p>


<p>Accepted, and @ Sophia, same thing happened to me xD.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who got accepted! :).</p>

<p>And I hope if you didn’t, you still got into a college you wanted.</p>

<p>Waitlisted (Engineering) My son is so disappointed; it was his first choice by far. </p>

class rank 1/370, gpa 4.3
many varied ec’s including varsity sports, academic clubs, volunteering</p>

<p>Looks like we’ll have to come up with a backup plan. </p>

<p>Congrats to accepted students!</p>


GPA 5.3
SAT: 2380
ECs: weak (writing)</p>

<p>Congratulations to other acceptances!</p>

<p>Congrats to all acceptances!</p>

<p>Can those who are accepted log into the housing now? </p>

<p>[Log</a> In to the Housing Portal](<a href=“Residential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell University”>Residential Life | Student & Campus Life | Cornell University)</p>

<p>I am just curious as a nervous transfer applicant!</p>

<p>Rejected CHE</p>

<p>Decision time now - Purdue Engineering, Clemson Engineering, Syracuse Engineering, UVM Engineering, Drexel Engineering or Trinity or UC Boulder …</p>

<p>HOLY ****! Accepted!
2290 SAT/top 10% of class</p>

<p>Rejected from Penn, Dartmouth, Duke, and Northwestern. I don’t care because I got into Cornell!!! Congrats to all those who were accepted. To those who were waitlisted/rejected, don’t worry. You’ll end up somewhere great!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED OMG OMG OMG ***!!! I can’t believe it! CORNELL is my dream school!!!</p>

<p>White male IL
3.27 gpa (top 10 private high school with rife toys grading scale 70 is an F etc)
33 ACT (33 30 36 33) 11 writing
Good Ecs
Unbelievable essays
Interview was weird so idk
I honestly don’t know how I got in. I’m guessing my interest, creativity and ACT</p>



<p>I was accepted ED (not today), but I hadn’t been able to access the housing portal until around 5:00 today, so I can only assume those who were just accepted can now access it as well. Not sure if this means anything for transfers, however, as I believe this is the incoming freshman housing portal. Good luck!</p>

<p>^Cool story bro.</p>

good EC’s and recs
2200 SAT</p>
