Cornell Class of 2027 Official Thread

my fin aid portal looks like this:


mine is exactly the same

Where did you access that? I can’t find mine.

I have both ways. One with the one you sent and another with the other version people have been sending.

have all likely letters been sent out yet?

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I haven’t seen anyone get any online

I think SHA and ILR are out. CAS, CALS and HumEc not yet. But to be honest, we shouldn’t bother ourselves with it. A super small fraction of an already small fraction of admitted students get the letter.


yeah I think might have seen one or two posts for those

Yeah I wouldn’t bother thinking about it, just wanted to let them know

likely letters usually come out March 15th


Couldn’t find a regular decision thread, but I applied to Cornell RD, and Cornell recently asked me for financial aid info. Could this be a good sign or do they just ask everyone?

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Have ILR likely letters gone out? I have seen people discussing SHA, but not ILR.

I think they come out tomorrow based on previous years trends


When do CoE likelies come out?

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someone received a likely from CoE on March 15

It’s march 14 today??
Or are you referring to previous years?

I am referring to previous years


Yes, I believe so. Saw some post on A2C/Discord A2C

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Just wondering if anyone received likely letters from Cornell CALS?

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Are they supposed to come out now?

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