Cornell Dorms/Overall Living?

<p>Im a soph. (Class of '16) in highschool and I know its kind of early to be deciding colleges, but I have always wanted to go to Cornell.
How is the overall living/social enviornment?
Are the dorms nice, big enough (is it random)?
Im from burning Arizona, how much with Ithaca weather affect me? </p>

<p>Quick Chances?
Im going to do ED.
4.0 uw right now (Def. above 3.95 by senior year)
2280 Current SAT, 31 ACT (should be able to get 2300+, 33+)
800 Chem. SAT, 800 SAT II Math
1000 hrs meaningful Community service (With lots of Leadership, should be able to get 2000+)
In 3 Clubs. President of one, Treasurer of another, Public Relations of last
(True interest clubs)
Anything else?</p>

<p>I can’t really give you a proper chancing since you’re a sophomore, but looks like your SATs and stuff are good. Your EC’s look pretty strong as well, just make sure you have something that spans across all four years of high school.</p>

I think you should think more about what schools you want to go to before deciding on whether you want to be ED for Cornell (this is coming from an ED applicant to Cornell AAP). Do a lot more research. Also, the size of the dorms should be the last of your concerns for college selection. You’ll make do just fine with whatever size you get. What you should be concerned about is tuition, the level of education, major choices, social aspects, campus size, location, etc.</p>

<p>Based on this, I am sure you are well qualify. However, that’s being said, you need to continue to maintain everything, as well as having an unique essay</p>