@CHEtransfer congrats on the acceptance.
@parkcentral what major are you?? Good luck for tomorrow!! also did the pin trick work just now and not earlier today?
@narinina ILR and I just recently checked it!
Wow! So many ILR applicants are getting decisions tomorrow, I feel left out. Lol. Best of luck!
Any CALS applicants got their pins?
I did
@transfer12344567 Do you mind if I ask your major and if you are a GT?
Haven’t been able to sleep only about an hour and a half left!
can you still get your decision today even if your pin trick didnt work?
@binklish No, it means that your decision hasnt been uploaded yet.
25 mins!
Rejected CAS
Well, at least I’m not denied yet.
rejected ILR
@scarletred Are you accepted?!
If this week is the “rejection week”, how about next week? Is it also historically another “rejection week”, or is it just this week?
Rejected CAS
accepted- CALS Biological Engineering
no GT
Accepted CALS biological engineering