<p>I was just wondering what difference does it make if you are an HEOP student at Cornell? I know Cornell would financially aid you if you fall into that category, but how does it effect academically?</p>
<p>I was just wondering what difference does it make if you are an HEOP student at Cornell? I know Cornell would financially aid you if you fall into that category, but how does it effect academically?</p>
<p>Also, from Cornell's website I read that you would also need to attend a summer program... my question is what is this program all about? Is it to teach you how to take class notes, study for the tests etc?</p>
<p>anybody dares to reply?</p>
<p>i know ppl from H/EOP program, they told me they are just like regular students, instead of getting more aids, they have an advisor which help them out academically.....which they can keep their grades up pretty well.</p>