<p>I am applying to Human Ecology of Cornell as a transfer option student. On the requirements sheet listed it says I need 6-8 credits of physics, chem, or bio with a lab. However, at my university we do not get credits for the lab and only get 4 credits for taking one course. Does this mean I only get 4 credits for chemistry at Cornell and I have to take chemistry for two semesters? Or will the credits transfer over differently. I also took ap environmental science in high school and should receive credit according to the ap transfer sheet.</p>
<p>At my college you get 0 credits for the lab too. The lab goes along with the Science class.</p>
<p>keep me updated on your status. i am applying to the same school. I talked to them and asked them a similar question. Ok 1st of all, the intro bio/chem/phys req is like 2 courses for 6 to 8 units. Not one course that should be like 6 units somehow =P. I think u got this tho but this should help clarify:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/Academics/Undergraduate/Student_Services/Registrar/Degree_Progress/upload/PAM_08-09.pdf[/url]”>http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/Academics/Undergraduate/Student_Services/Registrar/Degree_Progress/upload/PAM_08-09.pdf</a></p>
<p>Also, my bio course is just a plain 4 units, lab is included. Otherwise the course would be 3 units. I think this is assumed or something by cornell because it is pretty standard. My intro chem course tho is 5 units, because it is apparently that bad ass =P! Are you applying to the PAM program? I am. It sounds so DAMNED interesting, and I cannot believe that there is a school out there that focuses on just the policy part of things in ugrad!! Woohoo!</p>