Cornell ILR ED !

<p>Hi everyone. im applying to cornell ilr! i go to a charter school in PA.
i was thinking we could share stats!
my highest sat if you take highest score in each section is a 2090 (basically 2100) with 690 M/690 RC
gpa is .. i never actually calculated but i'm guessing 3.3.</p>

<p>anybody else wanna share stats?
I LOVE ILR and would be so proud to graduate with an ilr degree</p>

<p>SAT I
Math: 630
Reading: 630
Writing: 680</p>

<p>unweighted gpa: 3.58
weighted gpa: 3.65</p>

<p>I’m a legacy so I hope that helps a little bit!
Good luck to you! I hope we both get in hahaha.</p>

<p>“basically 2100” :wink: </p>

<p>SAT:2200 M:800
GPA 3.6-7 WGPA 3.9
EC’s very Business/Law/Entrepeneurship Oriented
APs: BCCalc Macro Micro PhysicsB Chem Lang
Senior Year: Stat, PhysicsCMech, HUGE, Gov, CompGov, Lit, Multivar (Post-AP)
I have no idea how competitive ILR is its my dream as well.</p>

<p>what exactly do you love about ilr? the school looks terribly boring, what are you interested in pursuing as a career?
Not trying to bash the school, just interested. </p>

<p>@superdub ILR focuses on many interesting fields, including economics, law, government, HR, etc. Of course, everybody has their own interests :)</p>