Cornell RD Class of 2025

for michigan, i was able to see ‘admit term’ with inspect on the financial aid portal, and i did end up getting in. Not seeing that for cornell though :’)

is everyone able to do self service → view financial aid → and then you get that link thing that is blocked, just like mich?

If you didn’t apply for aid, how do you get to it?

How do you go to self service from application portal ?

you have to have applied for fin aid


I see

Aid Year Institution Aid Year Description
2022 Cornell University Inquiry access denied.

I’m sorry for starting this madness, just curious :slight_smile:


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Ok ok

Ugh ): just let us know if you guys find anything weird. I’ll do the same thing! Of course though, don’t, I repeat, DON’T GO INSANE. This stuff means nothing; again, i’m just curious


ok im being anxious but whatever. So when you go to your financial aid portal and do self service → campus finances → Accept/decline awards, and you inspect that page and hover over “2022”, do you see 'PSHYSERLINKDISABLED"? I don’t know if that means there is a disabled link that would potentially have my award, hinting at acceptence, or if this is something everyone has. I know for umich, it was just like this with the pshyperlinkdisabled and i DID end up getting in, so i really don’t know.

I hover over and I do not have that. It says “Aid Year Link or Button” for me

you don’t see it at all??

can you do inspect and then “command f” and then paste “PSHYPERLINKDISABLED” to see if there is a match?

sorry, I have no idea what that means

basically you do the inspect thing and then command f to search for key words (like you would in a word document or something). im sure im reading into this.

i am not sure what the “inspect thing” is


so everyone probably has it?

I don’t know. It seems you and I do at least. Sample size is way too small to draw any conclusions.

I would imagine it is disabled for everyone until they are accepted. Unless you know that wasn’t the case for Michigan.

Do you mean inspect element or inspect accessibility properties?