Cornell RD Class of 2025

I’ve heard the Tanner Dean’s Scholar program does for Arts and Sciences. It’s not a major monetary award but it’s A&S’ form of a likely letter. I think 40-50 applicants get it each year? Not much information about it online though

I know kids from last year who applied to CALS and Engineering and received likely letters. Also, are the acceptances that we got for SHA for everyone who got into SHA, or do some people not find out until April?

Not everyone finds out. It’s not rolling admissions, otherwise they would be sending rejections now as well. Like I said, they send letters for a variety of reasons but only ILR and SHA send likely letters, the rest are for specific reasons. Someone else mentioned it in the Michigan group as well I believe.

What percentage of the total portion of the class admitted to SHA RD hears now? Just curious.

anyone applying for human ecology get a likely letter/phone call?

I applied to human ecology and nope.

Same here

No clue. They don’t release that information as far as I know. They haven’t even released ED stats publicly so no one knows how many got in, deferred or rejected for each school or any part of the ED class makeup.

Does anyone know of anyone who has heard from ILR, regular decision, or a likely letter this year?? Wondering about my son’s chances, he has top grades and his essays were great, but he does not have a ton of activities - he has been on varsity wrestling all through high school and is part of a club soccer team too, and he’s a member of a few honor societies and has worked (one essay is abt his job), but he is not a superstar with tons of clubs/leadership positions and all of that. He really is interested in ILR, Cornell is the only Ivy he applied to… Do somewhat “average” folks with great grades and an interest in this program ever get in?

Do you know when they received the letters?

anyone applying for engineering got a likely letter/phone call?or know anyone who does?

I wouldn’t hold my breath about likely letters. Aren’t they such a tiny, tiny fraction?

I know,but honestly it just feels great right?

Engineering doesn’t send them except for rare special diversity candidates so no reason to ask. It sounds like the only ones this week in any case were from SHA unless someone says otherwise.

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This was last year and the year before that, so things may have changed since then. The two kids I know who got likely letters from CALS and Engineering got them either in the last week of February or first week of March. Not totally sure. Also, don’t sweat over likely letters. Aside from SHA and some years ILR, only a teeny tiny percentage of the admitted class gets one.

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I just found out that Cornell has an oracle portal like Uw Madison and even Michigan. Has anyone found any clues, pointing to their decision? Plz don’t kill me, just wondering

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No and I didn’t see any hacks for Michigan either and have been following both. I seriously doubt there are any.

Yeah I looked at all the inspect elements stuff for Michigan n it provoked obsessiveness lol. I was just wondering if anybody saw anything weird. Thanks tho.

There was no hack this year, but last year in the Michigan forum, the first for Enrollment Connect, one CC member found a hack and everyone knew their EA decision before the release.


That’s so cool!