Cornell RD Class of 2025

I didn’t see it originally but after doing your trick I found it

I’m just going to wait till April 7th :,)

probably best lol…

Okay sorry I might be over thinking everything right now but for those who have applied for financial aid, what does your financial aid portal look like under the “to do list.” do you guys have a “to do item” thats due in 2022?

And also, if per say, i do get accepted, a financial aid requirement due 2022 probably might mean that I get accepted to a “guarantee transfer.” How often does cornell give out “guaranteed transfers”

For me, it says that I’m not authorized for my To-Do list?

like you aren’t able to see/ have access to it?

yeah :confused:

can you share an ss that might let us help you if you’re going wrong anywhere??

are you sure you are going to the right website? here is the link i used: Check Application Status | Financial Aid

yep. I can look at other parts of the main menu, but not the to-do list.
Before I could look at it and it simply said i completed everything (like the CSS and the file submissions)

can you share the link where it’s displaying the unauthorized message for you??


ahh this is stressing me out even more. @agrimreaper what does it say for you?

tbh, when I was filling out the CSS profile, it did say it was due 2022 for me.

What exactly is due for you?

a federal verification sheet; im so anxious now lol

it’s alright for me. no issues as such

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I think this implies you might need to change your action mode and by action mode, I don’t know what they mean

I don’t think you should be worried!

it’s an IDOC document and was requested. It goes with your current CSS profile.
If they wanted you as a 2022-2023 student, I’m pretty sure they would wait for a new CSS profile before asking for accompanying documents. I would just fill it out as I think it will count for your current award.

And honestly, I’m not sure when they finalize decisions but we have like a month before decision date. I don’t think they’ll have these “hints” now.

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thats true. good luck to everyone