Cornell RD Class of 2025

me too… i wonder why its due in 2022

also have federal verification thing due feb 15, 2022

The idea is simple but it requires certain expertise. I don’t think you can do it. It is impossible for someone accidentally mess things. Don’t worry.

I avoid to guess how to here.

mine said status received though.


Agreed. This is a complete waste of time and effort.

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i tried checking last year’s thread for RD Cornell and some people had also been requested the federal verification sheet but I couldn’t find a correlation to that request and being accepted.

Just got emailed by cornell diversity outreach – I’m going to be admitted!


I got that too!


congrats!!! I’m actually freaking out right now. What school did you apply to?

College of engineering, and you?

CALS for Biology

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I’m genuinely freaking out. I have a 3.3 GPA but an upward trend, and I’m just really passionate about science. I didn’t expect this whatsoever


Congrats!! I also just got a likely letter and an email saying that I am a Milstein finalist!


What school did you apply to?

Arts and Science

Just got “Congrats! You are a Milstein Program Finalist” email which says I am “very likely to be admitted.”

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yay!! What college/major?

CAS, Mathematics