Cornell RD Class of 2025

Could you share your ECs please

Are your classmates applying to CALS? Because cornell does it so that each school reads applications separately. Like at my school for example, maybe like 15? people applied ED to Cornell, but I was technically only up against one because there was only one other applying to CALS rather than the others

Honestly I don’t know, though my guess would be most applying to anything with business / communications

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3 years of speech - i wasn’t amazing or super super dedicated but I won one regional tournament and was a finalist in a few regional tournaments and i competed in a few big ones, i was also an officer of the speech and debate club

4 years of varsity soccer (would have been captain senior year but covid messed it up)

president of midnight run club- its like a charity activity that involves a lot of leadership stuff, it was like 7 hours once a month, i did it for 3 years

i was a girl scout for like my whole life but didnt do much w it

( this is what put me over the edge i think): I did an internship this summer because I was so bored during covid and wanted to so something so I started by volunteering at this community garden to help, got an internship, woke up at 6am 3 days a week for like a month, helped in the garden, helped in the surrounding conservatory, dropped off a weekly harvest at a community shelter - it matched my major which was essential (environment/sustainability) i said I learned a lot about sustainable farming practices

president of project green ( was in club since soph year) - it matched my major cuz it was a sustainability club

3D art club 2 years

tutoring 1 year babysitting 4 years

honors whatever its called at my school

there’s definitely something else but I’m forgetting I might check

edit- oh i remembered i do this peer leadership type thing at my school that is kinda selective? for 2 years

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i think communications might be in cals? but also in cas?? not sure, if mostly business tho ur prob good

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Hi all! I am applying for the Biological Sciences program in CAS. I have a 4.0 UW GPA (4.55 weighted - 9 APs and 4 dual enrollment classes). I have gotten a 5 on 6/6 AP exams taken so far and will take three more this year. I am also taking Calc 3, Diff Eq, and two semesters of orgo chem. I have a 36 ACT with a 10/12 on writing. I also have 800 scores on SAT II Chem and Math Level 2. I have ECs that have to do with volunteer work, the co-president of a science club, but my main one is having done research in a lab and published a paper in a respected journal. I have also co-founded a volunteer group at the public library in my community. I have had leadership positions in volunteer organizations in my school. I have also participated in varsity athletics all 4 years of high school and won a state title my sophomore year. I think my essays are solid and will not pull me down, but I do not believe they have that “wow!” factor many amazing examples online seem to have. I have two good letter of recs from teachers and I have one from the professors I did research work with.

I do also want to say that I am not boasting or being self-deprecating. I have genuinely never compared myself to others and focused on my work, so I have no clue how I stack up against some of the best students in the world!

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You have good chances, especially with that legacy

Does anyone have any past statistics on how many students are usually accepted in this regular decision round? Also wondering if anyone has a hunch about whether the number of regular decision applications will jump up this year, as early decision ones did? I’m hoping the jump was only in the ED groups, and who knows maybe a decline on the RD groups? But probably wishful thinking :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen any data specific to Cornell, but the kids are in general applying to more schools. It’s very likely most of the top schools have received more applications this year in the regular decision round as well. It’s a tough time for everyone. We can only hope for the best for the kids.

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Ivy Day has been announced as April 6. Likely the result of an increase in applications.


Makes you wonder if the yield results will be skewed causing a higher acceptance rate off the waitlist

hi did anyone receive an email regarding this announcement

I didn’t, I just saw it on their instagram

okay cool

Yep, probably wishful thinking. Duke had 5k ED applications, which while it was about 20% more than ED last year, it was actually close to the same number as 2 years ago. They did however have something like 49k combined ED/RD this year which is way more than last year when they had a combined total of just over 40k.

I am sure Cornell had a lot in RD, especially because they took applications until Jan 8.

I think last year they filled almost half their class in ED at Cornell, but they stopped reporting those stats beginning with this year until much later in the year so no way of knowing how many they accepted during the ED round.

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Stanford announced the other date that they were postponing their commitment date to May 3, so no surprise Cornell and the other Ivy’s followed suit.

Only Princeton, Harvard and Yale sent such notice. Also Princeton email went to Promotions section of gmail.

Oh okay. I didn’t get an email from Harvard

Cornell just sent an email at 2pm notifying date changes … hope everyone got this ?

Cornell University Undergraduate Admissions will release decisions for first-year Regular Decision applicants on Tuesday, April 6 at 7:00 PM (EDT). The candidate response deadline for admitted students has been extended to Monday, May 3.

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Yes, confirmed just received the same email here as well with the same info.

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