Cornell RD Class of 2025

No clue. We try not to pay attention to that. In just over 2 days everyone will know one way or the other and people will have more decisions to make.

We didn’t apply for financial aid either so I also can’t comment on whether the financial aid portals are different for people who are accepted or not.

Best advice is to just go with it.

thank you so much, that helps more than you know.

be on this page, not that page! Visit if you can for your own opinion and ask the school to arrange for you to meet with URM’s even if vitual! Black Students United at Cornell University

Thank you for all the information. Of Course!
I am not saying all these geeks are introverts (at least my son is), but it makes sense that I did not find any single person in those pictures who was CS major. There must be tons of kids who don’t join the SNS media then. Haha, I don’t know it is a good thing or not…, but I am sure if you are applying for a Federal job, you may pass the background check faster…

I’ve been happy my son has eschewed the whole social media thing because of potential colleges or enployers…you never know. He is a math/science kid but actually incredibly social and a total ham with a ton of friends. He just prefers seeing them in person- the virtual thing was really hard for him.

You didn’t apply for financial aid but you got a request for a “financial verification sheet?”

No we have nothing. If we click the financial aid button it just says something like “You did not apply for financial aid”

My brother (and a few other family members) attended Cornell, he is and was a CS geek, he lived in UJamaa. He had a great experience.

I hope they will have an admitted students event to help you get the true feel.

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Admitted student events are all going to be virtual.

That is a shame. No reason they couldn’t do outdoor distanced in person tours. I fear they will lose good kids for not being able to really “get the campus vibe”.

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Does anyone have a withdraw button? I don’t.

I don’t have it either. However, I don’t think it means anything since we’re two days from the release date.

Unfortunately most schools aren’t doing in person tours and considering they’ve had an uptick in cases with a lot of kids disregarding the compact they signed, I’m not surprised. This is one area that they have been pretty conservative, which for a fairly liberal school is great. You know how it goes, a few bad eggs have ruined it for everyone. They sent out a really stern email last week about missed surveillance tests and what not. A whole lot of people are up in arms about it, but not sure what they expected.

The good news is that they are going to mandate the vaccine for next year and many students have already been able to get it. The bad news is that some who have gotten it were careless in thinking it was ok to just stop wearing a mask as if one dose made them foolproof. SMH. I am sure you know how that goes!

Anyway, no doubt there will be a lot of visitors coming up to campus over the next few weeks regardless as even though they are discouraging visitors, quite frankly, who can blame any of them/us when this is one of the most important decisions our kids will make and one of the biggest financial investments we as parents will ever make!

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Just wanted to ask to see if everyone has “Accept/Decline Awards” when they go to the Financial Aid Portal > Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center.

Yeah I have that

Ok yeah, it took me to a form when I clicked on it and after submitting the form, it says “Award access not available.” on the financial aid page, so I don’t think it means anything.

Does anyone else get this message when they try to access the financial aid portal?

You are not authorized to access this component. (40,20)

You have not been granted security authorization for the component you are attempting to access. You may have access to the designated component and page, but not in the specified action mode (such as Correction or Update/Display). Contact your system administrator.

It was working fine a few days ago.

I don’t have this whole section anymore. My financial aid tab is gone.

Some people were having that issue earlier and apparently it showed up after they cleared their browser cache and tried accessing it again.

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try incognito or private mode with your browser