Cornell RD Class of 2025

Nvm it’s cookies :frowning:

me too

I didn’t apply for financial aid, any indicators for me?

So I was looking at the Facebook Cornell University Class of 2025 community where accepted kids posted their pictures with their comments.

I never thought about it, but I kind of realized that my son won’t fit here. They are all good looking young people. In the Facebook pictures, they look like coming from privileged families with nice looking fashions. Doesn’t seem very diverse group of the student body.

Aren’t there any Computer Science geeks and robotic club enthusiasts in this school? Where are Blacks, Hispanics and Asians?

We are from California, so I may be looking from completely different perspective.

Most of the kids that post pictures on those forums are usually the ones who are extremely confident in their looks and demeanour. Not to generalize, but the kind of people that you are talking about would much rather spend their time on something more productive (just my opinion, not based on any fact)
It is also just a very small sample size so i don’t think it is wise to make a judgement based on that.


Do you guys know any international students who got in ED/ got a likely letter, that had to submit documents for financial aid or did they just submit the CSS?

Don’t make a judgement based on FB. There is a good amount of diversity on campus.


Lol i am a black girl from a low income family and feel the same way. I already got accepted and almost positive I do NOT want to go.


My son was accepted at USC, still waiting on ivies. I looked at the FB group for USC and thought yikes! He doesn’t even have a social media presence, math/science/music kid who loves strategy board games. They find their tribe though.


Have you ever wondered how much it means to be accepted in a year as special as this one? Do not deny yourself the right to shine. You are especially responsible for changing this scenario. Go and rock !!! I wish you success!


@PurpleFaithful aren’t those FB pages private (meaning you have to be accepted to join). Just wondering how you saw the posts… I guess your son got a likely then.


As I keep reminding my kid - the people that post pictures, etc. are not representative of the whole school. My kid and his friends aren’t in to social media and, while they might lurk a bit, they would never post.


No, everybody can register that FB page that I looked at. It’s public.

@nycgirlxo @NJcollege2021 Think you are looking at different places. In the FA To Do List page, do you have a “Main Menu” link in the top red header bar just above the Cornell Univ logo? Click on Main Menu > Self Service > campus finances to get the page posted by @queerizzy.


Oh I just looked one up and it is a private group.

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Haha, I am so grateful. Neither is my son. He has never shown any interests to join those SNS. I found it very strange for a kid who are interested in the Tech field, but so behind with SNS.


Parent pages are usually private, but the kid pages that are not officially run by the school are not. For instance, there is a group called “Human xxxx” I can’t remember the full name, that are the admins of most of these college groups including parent groups and they are not official at all. They open fb groups for all the Class of xxxx and then start marketing their crap to these kids and let anyone in. No screening. We noticed this during our year at Cornell and ultimately the parents opened a page which is run by actual parents. There was a discord page for Class of 2025 students run by current sophomores but I’m not sure if they closed it or changed it.

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  1. There are plenty of “geeks” and “robotic club” enthusiasts there. They even have a robotics group if I recall. However, you have to remember that in general those are the kids that even now don’t have much of a social media presence.

  2. There are definitely plenty of Asians and Indians (you didn’t mention indian). My daughter has often gone to the Engineering library and no joke but she has told me she has been the only white person in there at times that everyone is Asian or Indian. As far as African American and Hispanic, you’re correct there are not a ton, but they are there and that is why Cornell has a diversity program to work on increasing the population of URM’s.

  3. But yes, there are a lot of wealthy people from the Westchester area, Long Island, NYC. My daughter has friends that are billionaires, parents who are CEO’s of public companies, but also plenty of friends on financial aid. She doesn’t judge any of them whether they do or don’t have money and they don’t judge her. But that’s her group.

Here is the information of Cornell’s diversity as you can see the hispanic populations is only 10.5% while the Black/African American is even less than that. It would be nice if it were larger.

Whether it’s Cornell or somewhere else, you will find the right place for you. Just because it is an Ivy, that doesn’t mean you HAVE to go there. Once your acceptance is official, you should reach out to other students in your program and other black students to find out what you can about their experiences, the groups and clubs that are available. There is a multi-cultural learning community dorm there also that you might find interesting called Ujamaa. Those are the only ones you can specifically try to request, otherwise housing is all random (unless you request a roommate).

Search around their website for the club info, etc. I don’t know what major you’re in, but join that FB group and start asking questions. It’s how you can see if you are comfortable or not.

There are tons of people who join those and say nothing. My son is in the FB group for Virginia and Michigan and I know he doesn’t post pictures or speak at all. But he has no problem telling me who he knows that are in them or who he has connections to, etc. so he’s paying attention, lol. So join, and you may also catch someone’s eye! Great way to find a roommate although I think mine found hers on instagram and they were a great fit!

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Any portal astrology here?