Cornell SHA RD 2027

I didn’t see one for the hotel school!


Hi there, daughter applied ED and was deferred so it’s on to RD for her!

I got deferred. Does anyone know of anyone who got in?

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I was deferred as well! I feel like they’ve been deferring so many ED applicants this year!

I was deferred ED as well. I have spoken to many ppl who currently attend and they only accept 5/6 students ED each year so the majority of the incoming class is made up of RD.

I have seen 6 ppl who got in on the class of 2027 instagram pages

My daughter said the same thing, only 6 that she could find. I guess it makes sense. Last year the entire applicant pool for SHA was 1293 so they probably just postpone most and look at them all together in RD to pick their class.

I have a cousin who used to work on admissions at SHA until very recently. They usually accept 200/250 students first year w an acceptance rate of around 24/25%, and then accept another roughly 100 for first year transfer. From what I was told ppl who ED’d usually get in RD because they know it is our first choice.

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That’s good to know! Thanks Summer

Thanks for the info. Any idea what their stats were?

Most of them had pretty amazing stats, cause I talked to 5 of the 6 ppl. One got a red letter from their senator and like did internships w them. One is a NY resident b they have travelled and worked in numerous different countries and used that angle, another one had legacy status which said helped, overall they all had rly high gpas, obv no test scores, but they RLY care ab work experience like the SHA cares ab that

Oh wow. Hopefully we have higher chance of admission for regular decision than others because we applied early.

For “work experience”, do you think it specifically has to relate to the hotel industry? Bc most of my ec’s are related to personal projects (self-started small business, investments, ect.) I mean I attempted to apply them to hospitality in my supplemental if that helps?


Starting your own business is definitely a good ec bc it shows leadership, and the hotel school is basically business classes just with a focus on hospitality. I have heard most ppl who are admitted have some sort of hospitality experience. Like I personally worked as a hostess, receptionist, catering server, busser, and like a crew worker in fast food.

Hey! I also applied to the SHA school for rd! I’ve worked in the restaurant industry for two years as well as a camp counselor for three

In previous years, SHA sends out an email for early acceptances in early March. I wonder if/when they will be doing it this year, or if there are too many applicants?

I’m betting first week of march

Thanks! Do you happen to know how many applicants receive an early acceptance?

No idea at all lmao. I believe it’s everyone who is straight up accepted or rejected tho

Yeah in past years it was either March 1st, 2nd, or like the 5th (according to past year’s threads). I’m assuming early decisions will be out anywhere from the 1st to the 5th.

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