Cornell SHA RD 2027

I posted above, daughter waitlisted with all her stats

Did your daughter get a transfer option?


Sorry I just saw this! I got in, but I won’t be attending.

Hi. Did your daughter get off the WL? Or did she decide to go with a business school? Her stats are great. My son also has incredible qualifications and it’s been hard to reconcile.

Yes she did. She got the email about the waitlist when we were on our way home from the business school which we absolutely loved. They gave her 24 hours to respond and we made her sleep on it. In the end, she has decided to go to business school and not Cornell. She got into a Scholars program that has a lot of perks and she felt the school valued her a lot more.

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Congratulations to her on her decision. It sounds like your daughter made a decision that felt right for her, and that’s wonderful that she had the choice! Did you hear from Nolan about the WL last Friday? Thanks again, and good luck to your daughter on her college journey!

Thank you, yes it was last Fridy the 21st in the afternoon.

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Thanks again!

You’re welcome! It will all work out for your son too! He sounds like a great student and will do well!

Thank you! He found out today he got into Nolan!

That’s great!!! Congratulations!!!

Great news! Congrats, when did he send off his LOCI ? I don’t remember if you had said it before, thanks.

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Thank you. I believe it was April 12th or 13th. Fingers crossed for you!

Thank you!!

Thank you so much, good luck to your son too!