Cornell SHA RD 2027

I have not either

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Same here

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Nothing here but saw two different posters on reddit who got acceptance emails yesterday around 5:30 pm EST

Based on zeemee, it looks like around ten kids got it

I heard of one person who got in and he was a RD. My son hasn’t heard back and he was an ED. Does anyone know why RD kids would hear back before ED? What distinguishes the batches of who gets in on different dates?

I heard of one person who got in and he was a RD. My son hasn’t heard back and he was an ED. Does anyone know why RD kids would hear back before ED? What distinguishes the batches of who gets in on different dates?

I think it’s based on qualifications, not when the candidate applied. Those who were accepted early must be outstanding applicants.

Thank you. That makes sense.

Anyone know what time Cornell SHA release their decisions?

Ivy day is this Thursday at 7pm

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Was anyone accepted ? I was waitlisted

daughter waitlisted as well.

Double legacy (husband and I are goth alumni and still involved)
14 APs including all the hard ones (AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics, Calc BC etc)
4.0 UW GPA
Great ACT but Hotel was test blind
lots of hospitality experience (front desk agent at hotel, beach resort/kitchen work, real estate)
varsity sports, president of clubs, etc
Not sure what else she could have done
We are in NY. Our schools’ valedictorian, salutatorian, and other top 5% kids all waitlisted, even from the state colleges at Cornell.
Oh well, daughter got into other great business schools including one with a full tuition merit scholarship so we move on!

Good luck to all

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Hello, I am wondering if anyone got into SHA? Did anyone get in? Any waitlists or transfer options??? Thanks.

Any rejections? Summer Schnabolk did you get in? Or Mama bear?

Anyone share their status on the Cornell SHA? Riley did you get in?

Hi, I was waitlisted!


My son got a transfer option which he needs to maintain a certain grade first year at college and then transfer to cornell… Is that any good? Is it better than a waitlist?

I am curious is this good? I am pondering.

I think it’s all relative and depends on your definition of good. It could work for some people and not for others. My daughter is very social, likes to build friendships from the getgo and she wouldn’t like change and starting over so the transfer option would not be good for her. If your son, however, doesn’t mind changing schools after a year, then a transfer option is an excellent way of getting into Cornell. He could go to a state school for a year, save some money, and then transfer into Cornell.

Anyone else got in to SHA. Please share what you got?