cornell tae kwon do and firefighting

<p>kk... this may seem wierd to u guys but this is for the people already going to cornell....
well, tae kwon do has been a pretty important passion in my life so far. i have participated in tons of tournaments and stuff, and im friends with the coach of the nyu team. he invited me down to a meet at columbia and the cornell and mit teams were both really good (lots of koreans maybe)? what i wanted to ask is if cornell's tae kwon do team is really as good as they looked at the meet (there was one tall asian kid who was dominating). i teach tae kwon do, ive been doing it for like 8 years since i was a kid, ive placed w/ gold medals at aau junior olympics and us nationals, and i train under one of the highest ranked instructors in the US. i have also been teaching tae kwon do at my instructor's school for like 2 years, so i wouldnt mind helping out the team in that way (as an instructor or coach or something). also, i saw a firehouse when i visited cornell--i am a volunteer firefighter, new york state certified--ive taken the 72 hour course and several other courses (hazmat, etc.) i also wanna do emt soon and am pretty experienced. are cornell students allowed/encouraged to join the firehouse on campus, and is it volunteer or paid?</p>

<p>Yes cornell students are EMTs i see alot of them. Don't know bout the firehouse.</p>

<p>cornell's TKD team is awesome. you'll probably like it. they train really hard, even in the class for gym credit.</p>

<p>schweet--i train hard too--i think we'll get along =p</p>