What are my chances for Cornell university College of Engineering Computer Science
GPA 4.1 (W)
I did really good in my AP Classes getting As but my did poorly in Honor Class (Did amazing Junior Year getting 95+ in all my classes)
SAT: 1580
ACT: 36
SAT Math 2: 800
SAT Physics: 780
1100 Hours of Volunteer
Presidential Volunteer Award
AP Scholar with Distinction
Made $5,000 from my App
Member of CS Club
Spent 2 Summers Teaching Math and Science
Letter of Recommendation: Both will be 10/10. One is from a teacher I have known for a while and knows me outside of school really well the other one is from a teacher who teaches the hardest class in the school and I did really well. He also has a PhD
^^^ this- where’s your UW GPA?. Without UW GPA, what I’m seeing looks good already! Very impressive volunteer hours.
@ClarinetDad16 @newkidnewtrix i have a 3.7 UW GPA I am in top 25%.
You should be fine with a 3.7UW. However, you are looking at Engineering/CompSci which is crazy, crazy competitive. If your school releases rank, that rank may hurt you a bit.
@newkidnewtrix oh okay my school only sends rank if you are in top 10%
OP, Cornell will know how your school operates and will realize you are not top 10%.
That unfortunately will make it difficult to get into cornell. Cast a wide net and build a list you love.
@ClarinetDad16 i am just outside of top 10% like 2 people outside of it but unfortunately my school reports only top 10% top 25% and top 50%. Is there no difference then between where i stand and someone who is also in the top 25%
You mean someone outside the top 10% and within the top 25%?
You can say that. Look at Cornell’s numbers - I would imagine outside hooked admits there are extremely few non-top 10% ranked students from schools that rank.
IMO, class rank needs to be viewed in the context of the school.
Also I would hope the adcoms look at more than just the aggregate GPA, but what the various grades were in, and perhaps why. Your school’s guidance counselors might be able to advise as how your class standing, from your particular school, might be viewed.
There is no guarantee of admissions, no matter what, but it seems to me it would be very reasonable for you to apply if you want to go there.
@ggmemesrgood I agree with monydad. They’ll look at more than whether you’re in top 10%. Type of school, number of classmates, etc. has a lot more to do with it. Don’t worry too much about class rank unless there are only 15 people in your class.
The rest of your stats are great! You have a very good shot. You didn’t mention sex, but there’s a pretty strong trend towards trying to balance men and women as well as balance the cultural diversity. If you’re a male, Asian, and your asking for a lot of financial aid, even with those stats it might be tough simply because the applicant pool is stacked with that demographic. But that’s purely rumor so who knows? But definitely apply. You look really good on paper. You might even consider early decision. It’s binding but doubles your chances. Assuming you just finished junior year, make the most of this summer. Do something unique and meaningful. Don’t waste it.
@cotopaxi yes I am asian and male and I am going to be doing early decision to cornell. For junior summer I am working on 2 apps one that is getting significant financial backing.