Cornell waitlist 2027

Nothing from me, have you?

Not true. I know 3 from NY within last day.

Has anyone who completed prompt after 4/25 received offers for COE yet?

No, unfortunately, nothing from me as well

My D got off the waitlist from CoE. Good luck to you all.


Congratulations :clap:t3:still waiting to for my son to hear some good news . What was her major?

Congratulations summerMay to your D. If I may ask, what region and what was her major within the CoE ?

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My D’s major is bioengineering, from New England.

Thank you. Mine is Biomedical Engineering. Still waiting to hear some good news come along my way.

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I believe there is a form in the portal where you can ask to have your deposit deferred until you have your financial aid package…

6 off waitlist from CoE

Number of Student date
1, 4/21 (F)
2, 4/24 (M)
1, 5/1 (M)
2, 5/2 (T)

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Congratulations!! :tada: Well deserved.

When did she get the notification?

an email around 11 am, an official letter around 3 pm


Thanks! Hoping for good news.

For those who are on the waitlist for CoE, I would like to remind you that the webpage for CoE’s waitlist changed its wording. It hints that you can call or email them now, which is different from before asking you not to contact them. Just want to point it out and help.


Do you have that information like the phone number or email, I would appreciate it. Thanks

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google it or ask your kid to google it. They are experts on this.

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Congrats to your D. Where do you see the wording change? COE waitlist webpage looks the same. Thanks.