<p>Again, Sharpton and Jackson, are very liberal extremes of Black interest activists and at the same time Steele is a conservative extreme.</p>
<p>Steele is a biracial, half Black half white, who did not like how he was automatically group as "Black" and never considered white. This is a challenge many biracial people face, and some blame it on Black people. But this is unfortunate and social product of the one-drop rule create by whites and still upheld by some states in America. </p>
<p>Being characterized as Black he did not like the negative connotations that came with being Black. He felt that he did not fit them, as many Black people do not. Things like affirmative action upset him because he feels like they underestimate the ability of Black people, not because they take away spots from poor whites. </p>
<p>He creates the term "white guilt", not to apologize to white people and stroke their egos like an Uncle Tom, but to say that this method that Sharpton and Jackson use is not effective and undermines the civil rights movement. </p>
<p>But in my opinion, a lot of his ideas come from personal experience. I do not think affirmative action makes Black people achieve less because look at Obama, Rice, Thomas, and Powell, going to school in their time period without AA they could never have he chance to receive the education they did.</p>
<p>He also makes too many assumptions about Obama that I think Obama would not agree with. Obama did not run for Presidency as a Black man, he ran as a Man who happens to be Black. And when America is able to see then maybe it would have moved on from its racist past. But even, I can say that do see Obama is a Black man running for President, because to me as a Black woman in America, race is a big deal because I have to deal with the burdens of my race every day. </p>
<p>And the whole theory on AA only helping Africans is false. I recommend you take a schools class taught by Stephen Morgan at Cornell. You will find that AA has only helped white woman. It does not really affect the achievement of any Black person at all. Africans in America are in school in great amounts because they usually come from educated families and they are expected to continue their education. Africans are the highest achieving group in America anyway. </p>
<p>Also, the whole thing about Obama being African and that making him different than Black Americans does not make sense. He was not raised by his Kenyan father who was absent most of his life. He was raised by his white mother, so he was only affected by her family background.(Not saying that she had a perfect background) But the experiences.hardships he faced were ones that come to all Black people because of their physical appearance. </p>
<p>The advantages/disadvantages of being African as opposed to being Black American only occur when the child is raised in said family. Africans are not genetically smarter than Black Americans.</p>
<p>That was written really fast and I may not have made sense on some things so if something does not make sense feel free to point it out.</p>