
So I’m joining the corps of cadets and I have a question. I know my lifestyle is going to be different from a non-reg and I’m ready for it, however, I would like to know if I will have a social life? Would I be able to go to parties every now and then? I just want a little of the college experience.

I am thinking of joining the corps, and have talked to a lot of people about it. Here’s what I’ve heard: My cousin is a cadet (pisshead aka sophmore) and she really likes it. However, you will be very tired constantly. Depending on your outfit, you might have time for nothing but PT and study. Choose carefully! Other outfits have social outings, help with pre-professional admissions, etc. Just from Pt you will probably be so tired you will be in bed by 9:30 every night, but don’t worry, there are some chances to slip out to the Dixie Chick. :slight_smile: Just expect these opportunities to come as an upperclassman and not as a fish. Think of it more as a service academy then enlisted military- you’re here to grow stronger physically AND mentally, so don’t be surprised if that’s all you work on your first year.