Cost of Attendance

Why does it seem like everybody has a different COA that they talk about? I️ just saw somebody post something like 56 k and others post like 30k…? is that yearly for them too? Because mine was 26k for 2018 and i’m confused why people’s are different! Thanks

Minnesota residents have an agreement with UW for reduced tuition as out or state residents, so the COA is around 30K. For all other oos people it is a little over 50K, Also, the business school and perhaps engineering too have a supplemental annual cost.

Cost of attendance includes both the variable (instate/MN/OOS) tuition plus fees, books, room and board, transportation et al. Travel could be more/less expensive depending on where you are coming from and how often you go home, but the tuition is the major difference.

People also list THEIR cost of attendance which factors in the amount of financial aid received. They are giving their NET cost, not the gross.