<p>This is my first semester in college but I already had an idea the books would cost a pretty penny. I am taking 3 classes this semester and all revolve around computers and business. Ok there is that English class. I was wondering just for conversation how much everyone's books were this semester.</p>
MS Word 2007 text book: 150
English 85
keyboarding/data entry (get that one monday) probably 100 or so.</p>
<p>Spring semester, over $500. Like $565 with another one yet that I don’t know how much it will cost. Classes I am taking are International Relations, International Trade, Political and Social Thought, Map of the Modern World, and Korean (no book).</p>
<p>About $340, with one more book to buy that is about $20. Most of my books I needed right away so I couldn’t wait on them to be shipped from online bookstores. I did buy one on half.com though, which I don’t need til later in the semester.
Human Geography book- $99 (used too, urgh)
Africa in World History- $37
African Americans: Concise History- $44
Women’s Voices Feminist Visions- $53
This Land was Theirs (book about Native Americans)- $52
The Huron- $7.50 online
Quest for Conception: Gender, Infertility, and Egyptian Medical Traditions- $25</p>
<p>Still looking for one more book, Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran, which none of the bookstores in town seem to have for some reason… going to look for it online as well.</p>
<p>My tab for Spring semster books was $237, I’m taking the 2nd semester of Gen Biology and Gen Chem, so I’m using the same books for those classes as first semester. I’m also taking Calculus II, a writing class, American Government, and Cultural Anthropology.</p>
<p>$200. Most of that could have been saved if my textbooks were not written by my college professors and not exclusive to the college bookstore…Its all a money game.</p>
<p>i was unable to buy any of mine early because I am a first year student and had no idea what books I would need. As of Thursday there was still a hand full of students in each of my classes that did have a book because they ordered them online. The one book I don’t have until Mon. is because the lady in the bookstore forgot to order them for that class.</p>
<p>I have Pell grant and Hope scholarship. The Hope covers most of my books and the Pell picks up the little bit of slack. At least 2 of my books I will be using next semester or more.</p>
<p>$600 for two kids. One textbook we already have in our home library. Two other textbooks are available online at our son’s uni. Amazon helped out quite a bit with discounts.</p>