Could I get in to GWU?

I’m a rising senior and am trying to figure out what schools are reach or likely schools. I’m really looking into George Washington but I don’t know what my chances are. I go to a small catholic school (140 in my class). I’ve got a 3.92 GPA and a 32 on the ACT. By graduation I will have taken 6 AP and 7 honors courses. I volunteer weekly at a Children’s hospital, have a part time job, write for an online political publication called The Progressive Teen, am a member of National Honors Society, completed 3 online courses on (not for credit), and have done other volunteer work at a humane society. I’m not first gen but none of my family has gone there. What do you think are my chances if I write a good essay as well?

Your chances are great. Go for it!

good chance
chance me back