Could my friend get rescinded here?



<p>And it’s because of this that I can no longer take your rhetoric seriously.</p>

<p>I got an 800 on the SAT US History exam and I watch the news constantly. I understand my country. We were a racist nation in the past, but mainstream America has abandoned racism.</p>

<p>(This is in response to Money’s post #137) Because I’m sure your peers probably don’t go up to you and say to your face that you are a spoiled, rich, white brat who’s well on his way to inheriting daddy’s trust fund. You put yourself out there with the clothes you decide to wear and how you choose to present yourself. People will judge you no matter what. Does that mean that even if people “put themselves out there” that we have to attack them? No. Attack the system, not the person.</p>

<p>Again, I simply disagree with you and your friend insulting the girl and her stats in light of her acceptance. Take your frustrations up with the bureaucracy that is Columbia and the United States Dept. of Education.</p>

<p>(And I honestly don’t think those things about you!)</p>

<p>I’ll be honest justadream, I haven’t taken you seriously since I saw your SAT score. Why don’t you explain to me whats wrong with my logic. From the way I see America, URMs are given preferences to our top schools, to our top jobs, and (arguably) to our highest positions of power. I concede racism exists in corners of America. However, that racism is not only directed at URMs.</p>

<p>Did you not read my “bitter” responses a few pages back Money? THOSE are examples of how America is still racist.</p>

<p>You say you watch the news constantly, but obviously not because if you did you would have seen the 20/20 special on jobs in America. I didn’t just pull out of thin air that example of employers throwing out resumes of applicants with “black-sounding” names. It happens all the time. A “Becky” gets hired over a “LeToya”.</p>

<p>Okay, Money4Life. I can honestly care less. An 1880 SAT I score is your basis of judgement. You’re going to be great in Philly with all those Black folk who you can’t take seriously and will probably end up depending on to help out with your problem sets. My arguments are clearly more coherent than yours, so I’ll leave it at that.</p>

<p>“I’ll be honest justadream, I haven’t taken you seriously since I saw your SAT score.”</p>

<p>Now that’s arguing dirty. If that’s not evidence to my calling your tone presumptuous, I don’t know what is.</p>


<p>Well, I don’t watch 20/20, so I didn’t watch that. I have studied college admissions fairly deeply and know that colleges and wallstreet jobs love to throw on URMs to fufilled quotas or w/e. I have no doubt that what you are saying is true, though. I would argue that an more names are thrown out that are European sounding in the work place and replaced with more “African” sounding names.</p>



<p>This illustrates a stupid application of the aforementioned SAT-IQ correlation.</p>


<p>He declared he wasn’t taking me seriously first. I responded similarly.</p>

<p>You missed the point. He stopped taking you seriously after dismissing claims of yours that he simply does not agree with. You pre-judged him and decided not to take him seriously after first looking at his SAT score–a test that has no relevance to this conversation.</p>



<p>You see what I meant silverturtle? It’s astonishing how ignorant people can be, yet boast about a perfect test score.</p>

<p>I think that he was trying to convey that he felt I was expressing my views in a “stupid” way, which is absolutely fine to say. However, I responded in a like manner. I would argue that the SAT is of relevance to the conversation because I am arguing that URMs are able to get in with lower test scores than would be allowed to hookless individuals. He is a URM with low scores, hence I took what he said…lightly.</p>

<p>I can’t find the clip, but here’s an interesting article relating to the black/white names and employment prospects.</p>

<p>[‘Black</a>’ Names A Resume Burden? - CBS News](<a href=“]'Black”></p>

<p>But we are using SAT scores in this conversation to “judge” the admissibility of potential and past candidates to university, not the validity of the evidence and rhetoric expressed by the people of this board.</p>


<p>Please, rather than just ride of my views as “ignorant,” let me know why they are ignorant. I say that honestly, as I really think America is not a racist country anymore. That doesn’t mean that racism doesn’t exist at all, but it does mean that racism is not prominent here.</p>



<p>While blatantly rejecting all of the information I used to back up my statements with.</p>

<p>I think you meant “write off” not “ride of.” Actually considering how poor your writing is, I doubt you were as qualified of an applicant as you say you were.</p>

<p>The vibe I get from you is that you’re a white guy with a 1900 SAT and a 3.5 GPA that’s mad that blacks and other URMs can get into his dream school with the same scores, but he can’t.</p>

<p>EDIT: This is directed at Money.</p>

<p>True, ambitious, but I did feel like justadream was attempting to insult me. So, I attacked him back. I am sorry for insulting you justadream, regardless of what you meant by what you said, sometimes I get a little too worked up about AA. Thus, I at times say things in the spurt of the moment I don’t really mean. I am sorry, but I still firmly believe everything else I have said on this forum.</p>


<p>I’m not writting a college paper here. We are on an online internet forum, so forgive me for not putting much effort into my grammar. And, no trust me, I am not some angry white guy with poor stats. Though, I do think its interesting that you first attack my writing ability and then go onto say specifically that URMs can get into “my dream school” with the same “terrible” writing ability.</p>