Could someone tell me why Muslim American's don't get affirmative action?

There are some serious racial biases and bigotry against that group, that is instutitional (ie NSA spying, EEOC complaints wher ethey make up 50%+ of EEOC complaints despite being 1% of this country’s population). I have Muslim students I work with who told me there teachers would become racist towards them and lower their grades after 9/11, after terror attacks like Pulse.

On the other hand, in my own community, many white Latinos like Cubans, the descendants of conquistadors and opressors somehow are allowed into this country, are incredibly racist (just FB one) against these very groups (Malcolm X), or blacks (MLK) who worked for affirmative action and even allowed their people into this country.

I feel like this discussion comes up time and time again. And here we have an example of a people who are losing power in our country, and have strong institutional racial and religious bias against them. Shouldn’t Muslim Americans, and quite possibly in the future, certain female and sexual orientation groups be afforded affirmative action?

Uhm, I’m not American but I don’t think muslim american is a race at all. You can be asian, african, european, latin american, and be muslim.

The majority of EEOC complaints are definitely not related to discrimination against Muslims.

Here is the breakdown of EEOC complaints by type.
Religious discrimination is a very small percent (4%) of the total. Racial discrimination accounts for about a third, but that would be for all races (and Muslim is not a race.)

Affirmative action is to balance historical injustices against sub groups (women, disabled, ethnic minorities, etc). The historical balance of injustice/closed doors against Muslims in this country are not that widespread due to the sheer low population-- or like anti LGBT bias, only recently been recognized. Colleges have not had long standing institutional biases against Muslim applicants per se.

There is no active recruitment of LGBT applicants to colleges – there is welcoming language for LGBT who are considering some schools. The same exists for Muslim Americans.

While anti-Muslim bias exists in some facets of US society, I think you’d be hard pressed to dig this in college admissions.

I said by religious discrimination. You are just pointing at something else

Could someone please justify how affirmative action adds to diversity when it benefits racists like Cruz and Rubio, but Asian/Muslim Americans aren’t allowed these privileges? I have Pakistani Indian Middle Eastern friends who face far more discrimination, everyday, compared to some white Latino groups.

Discrimination has to do with color as well. Most Muslims I have met are PoC . IF i were to compare 100 white Muslims and not Muslims I could guarentee you one group will have gone through life with a lot more chlalenges than the other

MODERATOR’S NOTE: There is ONE thread for AA in college admissions. AA posts are restricted to that thread. I am closing this one.