Could this be a problem?

<p>K. So I have a bro with autism and thus he did not go to college. I just left the "Institution" thing blank when I listed him on the commonapp. Is it gonna raise red flags if both my parents are college educated and he's not listed as having gone anywhere? I thought about attaching a paragraph explaining but i thought it might be worse cuz it looks like im trying to exploit that he has a disability to admissions officers - which I would never EVER do. plus it's really hard to confine such a hard topic to one pargrah (i had a hard enough time doing it for one college's essay!). so, will this hurt me?</p>

<p>It won't hurt you and im pretty sure it's fine.</p>

<p>no biggy 10 char</p>

<p>maybe i'll try and mention it in an interview?</p>

<p>I don't think it really matters at all...</p>

<p>kk. i hate all this post-submission regret/doubt. it sux.</p>