<p>Hey, all! This is my first post on this site, and I look forward to hearing from some of the brilliant people on here. </p>
<p>So, here's my story: </p>
<p>I'm 16, going to be 17 in October, going into my junior year of high school, and very curious about particular colleges and what courses and/or activities I should consider taking/doing in order to have a good shot at getting accepted to those colleges. </p>
<p>I've maintained a cumulative 4.0 GPA, participated in the DECA and BPA business clubs (though I haven't really done anything worthy of noting on my r</p>
<p>Answer to the first question is yes. Take Honors Alg II/Trig and Spanish 5-6.
Answer to the second question is YES! Don’t give up on those activities!</p>
<p>I took algebra II as a freshman (all freshman take either algebra I or geometry at my school) it was pretty easy but I enjoy math. I took it in honors. Standard at my school is for the students who really just arent smart and the kids who dont care. If its different at your school, then just think about it. </p>
<p>Ive never heard of Vocabulary clas or some of the other ones… I would skip out on Study hall and maybe go for AP Spanish 5 (or another good course). Study for your SATs in your free time/after school (at the library or just stay after school or something if you need that kind of setting). Possibly get a tutor or invest in a book of some kind. Read alot in your free time (classics) and study and always study vocab (words you dont know look up imediately, maybe flip through a dictionary. The only time I ever sat down and flipped through a dictionary, one of the words (out of the ten I looked at) happened to be a vocab word on my next SAT.) . I would also take the test twice, if you’ve never taken it I would really recommend it. Take it before christmas and at the end of the schoolyear or something. Also joining a sport might look good and getting in some volenteer hours (especially over the summer. 200+ hours looks SO GOOD, just make sure it has like a theme, like you helped little kids for 200 hours or you helped homeless, or you helped at the hospital and your planning on going to medschool)</p>