COUNTDOWN until Oct SAT scores!

<p>Ahhh good luck to all! I think I shall be content with staring out my window.</p>

<p>I’m doing a physics lab right now while waiting…
I contemplated going to bed but it’s kind of too late now =/</p>

<p>Are you east? because its a difference between 1:38am and 3:38am </p>

<p>omg… i have two tests tomorrow too</p>

<p>I am trying to study calculus, but I’m way too distracted…</p>

<p>1 hour right? i’m dying here</p>

<p>yup, one hour. Back in may I was almost late for school, for I waited for the scores to come out before I go :smiley: I saw them for a minute and then I had to run to the bus with a smile</p>

<p>One hour? Omg, I need to go the dentist’s, gotta be back in an hour :D</p>

<p>oh man. one more hour. I’m nervous.</p>

<p>i was sleeping and i had a dream that i was looking at my october sat scores. D: i just woke up. blahhh.</p>

<p>lol, I did also</p>

<p>It’s getting late over here on the East Coast.</p>

<p>I just looked at my scores, saw them and was like “Well, that’s good.” </p>

<p>Then I realized that I was looking at my Subject Test scores. I should get some sleep. xD</p>

<p>1 more hour to go! I’m just cramming homework in the mean time. I’m so tired though! It’s 1am here!</p>

<p>3 AM here, but i’m an insomniac so nbd.</p>

<p>Ahhhhh 1 hour!!!</p>

<p>last hour???</p>

<p>oh Quantum Arbiter, didn’t you get enough of this yesterday? ;)</p>

<p>53 minutes. Omg zzzzzz to suspense.</p>

<p>My eyelids are drooping =___=</p>

<p>3 PM here, I’m doing homework too :D</p>

<p>^^ Lol. How’s the studying for the Chi test coming along?</p>