<p>i can’t believe my math score was so bad (770) LOL</p>
<p>i can’t believe my math score was so bad (770) LOL</p>
<p>They’re out! and I suckeed on mathII!!!</p>
<p>2310, superscore now 2350.
lol w.e</p>
<p>They are out</p>
<p>2180…if I only had +20 I wouldn’t retake…</p>
<p>damn it “not yet available” never happened before</p>
<p>The math curve must have been terrible.</p>
<p>740 Math 2… Ehh. Ok I guess. </p>
<p>640 Chem Horrible, good thing I signed up for November.</p>
<p>gratz. I remember when I got 2270. It was satisfying. Very.</p>
<p>2200 yesssssss</p>
<p>CR: 780
M: 800
W: 780</p>
<p>OH MY GOD MY HANDS ARE SHAKING. I am so happy!!! Superscore this with my 800 CR from last time and like… wow. I’m totally surprised :D</p>
<p>lol. i got 20 points higher than my may sat. meh, better than having it be lower, i guess. your essay scores already came out? mine says that it’ll be ready on the third.</p>
<p>I want to @#$ die
kill me now</p>
<p>Critical Reading 640
Math 690
Writing 680 (E:10)</p>
<li>Just ok…</li>
<p>How do you view your essay score??</p>
<p>2000!!! Yes!!!</p>
<p>Omg, I got a 690 CR, 770 M, and 790 W. I’m officially done with the SATs.</p>
<p>wow… 1940 ■■■■ </p>
<p>i went down from 2030 to 1940</p>
<p>You can’t. They post later.</p>
<p>We’re sorry, but your scores are not available yet.</p>
<p>Please allow another week for processing before you check back for your scores.</p>
<p>Although most scores are available on the first score release day, a small percentage is not. There are a handful of reasons why scores are sometimes released later than usual. If you took a make-up test after the actual test date or your test center’s answer sheets were delivered a day or two late, your scores will be released a little later. Also, if extra time is needed to match your answer sheet information (such as your name or other information about you) to your registration record, then your scores will take longer to process.</p>
<p>We are working as quickly as possible to deliver your scores to you and appreciate your patience.</p>
<p>A WEEK ??!!! What happened ? Is it because I took the test outside the US ?
Can I expect my scores sooner ?
It means I have to register for December SAT blind…</p>