Course Questions

<p>So.... I'm in the engineering college and I have a few course questions. First of all, all freshman need to take a intro to engineering. Now there is this one intro to engineering that ECE students NEED to take. I didn't sign up for that because I didn't know which engineering I would be going into. If I do decide to do ECE, would I be able to fit that class in later in my schooling? Also, is it a good idea to get my ethics class out of the way right away or will I be able to fit that in later too? I'm only in 3 classes first semester (12 credits) so I feel like I'm slacking a little lol.</p>

<p>P.S. Is anyones calc 221 class linked to like a math 298 discussion? Yea....... Got a email about that...... confused as heck</p>

<p>I'd add another class and see how it goes. They advise 12-13 but that's really light for some kids. You might develop some bad habits.;-)</p>

<p>Yea I was thinking it was light too but since im working maybe ill seem like a busy hardworking college student lol</p>

<p>16 credits plus part time work is no big deal - at a minimum of 120 credits to graduate you would need 10 semesters at the rate of 12/semester. Even with AP credits you would likely spend a lot more time and money on your undergrad education than you have to if you always take the minimum. Taking the most credits/courses you can handle now gives you a buffer for later, especially if you change your major. Also, getting as many required courses out of the way early on gives you flexiblity later, especially for those classes you want but don't need and that fill up with upperclassmen. A 15-16 credit load of regular (nonhonors) courses is like HS with a study hall.</p>

<p>Keep in mind your top priority in college is taking classes to get a degree- ie, getting an education is your primary job. Working to pay for it is your second job, if needed. All of the other activities are secondary, needed to keep your sanity, have a life.</p>

<p>Hmm I see. I might get my ethics class out of the way then. Right now I'm in calc 221, intro to engineering 101, and Chem 109, and math 298 which is like a math discussion thing? That amounts to 13 credits. I might also look into a language class if i can't find a good ethics class. </p>

<p>Also, I'll be going in with 44 credits from Ap scores, so I thought taking it slow for the first semester wouldn't hurt me too terribly. Am i just plain wrong in thinking this? </p>

<p>Right now im considering either a ethics class (required), a spanish class that im on a waitlist for, or a mandarin class. Or maybe a gym class lol.</p>

<p>Ok I have a question. My advisors told me like with calc and chem, my course load would be tough enough and that these classes were nothing like high school AP courses. How much truth is behind this? That is why I was skeptical in taking more courses...... I don't wanna fail out lol</p>

<p>I would pick up another course and wait till the first week of classes. Then the teachers will hand out the syllabus and expectations for the course and you should get a good idea of the kind of work involved. You can always drop a course but picking up a course might be harder once school starts and everyone scrambles to complete their schedules.</p>

<p>Calc and Chem 109 should be fairly rigorous courses, stimulating enough to keep your interest, but not in comparison to the Honors versions of the courses you could take as a new freshman. The other math course is a directed study- puzzled as to why you would want it. I would check with your advisor on why you would take it, drop it and add in the ethnic studies course for 16 credits. I see no reason to take a minimum number of credits just because you are new to college, especially since you had a rigorous HS AP load. AP courses are like intro level courses at an easy college, not as rigorous as an intro UW course. Remember, they admitted you because you are capable of doing the work- you can always drop a course later, but you can't start one a few weeks into the semester when you find yourself with a lot of free time. I am amazed that people take rigorous HS loads, ie several HS AP courses, and then get told to go lightly first semester- how to develop poor study habits, have too much time to waste, no wonder some people get into the party habit.</p>

<p>Yea i'm not real sure about Math 298. I guess the calc 221 I signed up for is directly inked to math 298 and that i either have to switch calc 221 courses. 298 is supposedly a 2 hour discussion without anymore homework that meets once a week. I think im going to keep it, just to ensure I do well in calc</p>