<p>Hey, I'm a spring admit student who is enrolled in the FPF program. I have a couple questions and would love some help....
My goal is to gain admission to Haas, and I was wondering if Haas cares about "rigor" of course schedule.
Also, I'm having some issues with picking out courses, so I'd love some help (keeping in mind that I want to go to Haas, and at least for this semester keep straight A's)
Regarding math courses, I have taken Calc BC and AP Stat, and I'm very confident with those topics, but I would like to keep my math class easy for at least the first semester....
I promise I used the search feature...</p>
<p>It’s not a big deal. I took the easy versions of prereqs (Math 16A and Stats 20), and I got in. I even took b-s breadths like Physics for Future Presidents and Nutritional Science 10. Haas doesn’t need you to take Math 1A. Take the minimum and get the best GPA you can.</p>
<p>ok a couple more questions… SORRY!</p>
<p>It says I have to choose courses by like Jun. 1… I thought that’s what CalSo is about… what is CalSo?</p>
<p>and I hate to bother, but do you mean I should take both 16A and Stat 20 at FPF? I don’t mind taking two maths.</p>
<p>If anyone could just copy me a list of what they took at FPF (especially if they went to Haas) that would be really helpful; I’m confident that if I get the first semester down I’ll be a lot more self-suficient.</p>
<p>What if you don’t know if you’ll be able to get some of the ap credit that is needed to skip some of the classes?</p>
<p>There’s no Stats 20 for FPF.
[Fall</a> 2009 Course Schedule - Fall Program for Freshmen (FPF)](<a href=“http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/fpf/coursesched.html]Fall”>http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/fpf/coursesched.html)</p>
<p>Alright a couple more questions…</p>
<p>Here’s what I’m thinking…
these 3 for sure…
Stat 20
<p>then what for the fourth?
I want to take Math 16a but it ends right when stat 20 starts… (at 10) is it possible to enroll in a class that ends right when another starts? or dont do this?</p>
<p>If not Math 16a, any suggestions? I was thinking English R1B…</p>
<p>Also, is it bad to take stat and possibly Math 16a if I get a 5 on Stat and Calc BC?</p>
<p>Yes, it’s perfectly alright to have classes back to back. Just make sure their buildings are within a 10-minute walk. (Even though classes say they start at 11am, for ex, they actually start at 11:10am.)</p>
<p>If you get a 5 on Calc BC, just use the credit to skip out of math. It’s not a big deal for Haas. As for the Stats AP, you still have to take it the class in college. Haas doesn’t take the AP to skip out of Stats. </p>
<p>As for Stat 20, I don’t know why you think you can take it as a FPF student. It’s not offered in the FPF course schedule.
“If FPF doesn’t have a course I want, can I take courses on the main campus?
In general, no. Program participants are limited to taking FPF courses. All FPF courses meet UC Berkeley academic requirements and are meant to meet UC general education requirements, not the requirements of a particular major. FPF course offerings are limited due to the size of the program. On rare occasions, FPF will approve coursework outside our course offerings for students with special circumstances. Read our Concurrent Enrollment policy to learn more.”</p>
<p>I meant stat 2… I’m sorry I think someone used Stat 20 once and it stuck…
How about this schedule?
Monday- Stat 2 10-12, Geography 20 12-1
Tuesday- 930-11 Sociology, 12:30-3 Classics
Wed.- 10-12 Stat, Geography 12-1
Thurs. 930-11 Sociology, 1230-2 Classics
Friday- 10-11 Stat 2, Geography 12-2</p>
<p>If you’re applying for Haas, you can’t take Stat 2 for the stats prerequisite.</p>