Courses for FPF & Spring Admit 2012

<p>Hey guys. I'm a bit bummed out that I'm a spring admit instead of a regular admit.. but I found out the only real downside is that I have to live in a (sort of) different area from the main campus and that I have limited access to some classes (mostly science.)</p>

<p>So.. I'm planning on applying to Haas during my 2nd year.</p>

<p>What classes should I take at FPF to sort of, 'keep on par' with fellow Berkeley students who have been admitted to fall quarter?</p>

<p>I've gotten a 5 in Calc BC, Language and Composition, Psychology, Biology. I plan on taking Environmental Science, English Literature, Macroeconomics, and Statistics this May. (Projected all 5's.)</p>

<p>Should I skip Math classes (1A,1B, or whatever..), or should I take the classes without using my AP credits?</p>

<p>I plan on doing a finance / accounting concentration (if I do get into Haas.)</p>

<p>What would be the best course-list for a student like me, a spring admit 2012, who is trying to get into Haas?</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch guys! Love you all <3 Good luck to fellow spring admits 2012.. keep your heads up. :3</p>

<p>there’s no real difference to be honest. just take courses like you normally would, don’t perceive yourself as “behind” or anything like that.</p>

<p>that said, use up all the AP credits you can. i think starting this year regardless of what you get on AP Calc you still have to take another semester of calculus (bummer) so just look up your prereqs. </p>

<p>just take the classes haas wants you to, nothing special there. you’ll learn more about it at calso or on your own research via website or phone or in-person contact</p>

<p>Agreed with crowslayer91. Don’t view yourself as “behind” because in all honesty, you’re really not. Especially if you’re going pre-Haas route. Just take classes that fit with requirements for Haas and you’ll be fine. And every former-FPF student I know that applied to Haas this year got in, so don’t think that will hinder your admissions in the future at all.
Also, I’m not sure where you found out about the “living in a different” area but this is not the case. Most, if not all, FPF students get housing so don’t worry too much about that. And fyi, none of Berkeley’s residence halls are on campus.</p>

<p>Look up the Haas prereqs. You can’t skip all math entirely even with a 5 in Calc BC. I think the new requirement is to take either Math 16/1 A or Math 16/1 B, but you do have to take one.</p>

<p>Housing should not be a problem. They leave spots open for FPF students. I lived in Unit 3 while a student at FPF.</p>

<p>As far as courses, fulfill breadth or math/R&C requirements. You can’t take Econ, UGBA, or Stats until you get on campus. You don’t have to take courses to “keep on par” with Fall admits. The courses offered at FPF are the same as on campus (although some courses may be harder/easier at FPF than on campus). Just work hard and do your best.</p>

<p>Spring admit can put you ahead - I took breadth requirements at a community college, so I was fulfilling semester-long requirements in only one quarter. Ending up graduating easily in 3 years (5 semesters at Berkeley), even though I only took 2 classes one semester - could have done 4 semesters at Berkeley if I’d tried, but I wasn’t in a big hurry.</p>

<p>2 pieces of advice as a former FPF/soon-to-be Haas student:</p>

<p>1) If you need to take a math class, try to get Bourgoin as your professor.</p>

<p>2) You’re not behind. Take care of some breaths at FPF and you will be just fine.</p>