Courses. Courses. Courses

Hey guys,
So I have a question regarding my courses for my junior year and the importance of my life science. Like I said I will be a junior next year and since I am changing schools I have been heavily involved in my schedule and transitioning. Right now I have not taken a life science course yet and my new school offers biology and AMP. For scheduling purposes the AMP would fit a lot better but my question is, is biology necessary for college. I am looking at a engineering major (nuclear, environmental, biomedical, chemical). Upon completion of high school I will have a lot of science courses (about 8 credits worth) and 4 math credits. So does taking AMP over biology matter?

I’m not sure what AMP stands for, but I’d say bio is pretty standard, and you should have it under your belt.

No idea what AMP is either, but you
listed environmental and bioengineering as your interests.
Say whaaaa? Which kind of engineering? Bio…

Science is usually ranked in this order of difficulty;

Health / Anatomy
Environmental Science

Those big three (bio, chem, phys) is what colleges look for. Bio is considered the easiest and base for them. If you’re looking into a science future, that’s 1/3 of the curicculum there.

Try to incorporate it somehow, or take AP Chem or AP Physics in lieu.

A&P or Anatomy and Physiology is one of the most difficult of the life sciences depending on who is teaching it. You are not planning on going into the medical field so I would advise you to steer clear of it.

Biology is a very important course and one that I personally wish I would have taken in high school ( I took two science classes: 1. The Earth and You 2. Recycling Is Cool) Im not kidding about the names either… those are the actual course names of my science classes.

This being said it honestly does not matter what science classes you take, no admissions committee sits around and weighs out this class vs. that class… They look at your GPA and your test grades, if you have done something REALLY noteworthy (like saved a baby from drowning or won bronze at the olympics… they might also care about that)

Overall however highschool is only to teach you to read and show up to college semi functional… you will help yourself by taking basics however so you are at least marginally familiar with the terms.

I would take Chem and Biology or Geo and Bio… whatever you plan on taking in college take it now and build a base.