Courses Question for Yale

<p>I'm a Canadian from AB, thinking of applying SCEA to Yale for BME. I love it for its liberal arts curriculum (really important for me), res colleges and other features.</p>

<p>Yale writes on their website:</p>

Yale does not have any specific entrance requirements (for example, there is no foreign language requirement for admission to Yale). But we do look for students who have taken a balanced set of the rigorous classes available to them. Generally speaking, you should try to take courses each year in English, science, math, the social sciences, and foreign language.


<p>My HS life has been complicated but I've managed solid marks (lowest, are 2 B+s in frosh year and in middle school courses) but everything from sophomore year+ is an A/91+ in a rigorous school. </p>

<p>In any event, I moved from an affluent US HS to Canada 2 years back. Because of my credits, I was allowed to advance in a bunch of courses. I finished all my math (Calc BC) by sophomore year and did independent studies - in math and one research proj that I did out of school for credit (it used biophysics and math). Next year, I'll probably be doing AP Stat and Linear Algebra for independent studies. I.S. at my school involves creating a curriculum, doing the work and a final project that gets marked by outsiders. So: ** 1) ** Is Yale okay with me doing my math this way?</p>

<p>Question ** 2 ** : I finished 4 years of English - English 10, 11, 12 and AP by Junior year. I'm thinking of doing an I.S. for AP English Lang - again, will that be fine?</p>

<p>Question ** 3 **: This is the more complicated one. In NY, I did French 1 and French 2 honours (quite rigorous). So, when I moved, I didn't fit the curriculum at my school which is a 9 year program but rather weaker in content. (I had done more complicated grammar etc. but the vocab was a bit different). The teacher also would not let me test ahead. As a result,
I didn't do French in grades 10 and (technically 11). I decided to apply to the US recently and talked with the distance learning French coordinator. He said I can do accelerated French 10 (intro course for a three year program) as revision and then go on to French 11/12 officially for Semesters 1 and 2, respectively. Alternately, I will be permitted, after review to 'challenge' the grade 11 or 12 exam, after more review and the F10 course, which would give me the credit and allow me to either take the next class (French 12, if I test out of 11) or do another independent study. Will this work?</p>

<p>This, is a more detailed and incoherent :) version of my situation. t <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Any advice will be appreciated! Sorry for the length of this post. Thank you!</p>

<p>The answer to your questions is the quotation in your answer. Yale does a thorough, holistic review of each applicant. They will figure it out. Do what you would LIKE to do this school year.</p>

<p>Heh, that’s what i’ve been thinking but I always get nervous and seek confirmation. I’ll try my sincere best and leave the rest to them.</p>