Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

There is absolutely zero reason for teh feds to become involved with a vax registry. Other than perhaps traveling to HI, there will be no restrictions for not having a vax card handy. (I even predict that NY’s program will not stand federal court scrutiny, if it’s used to block access to public venues.) Sure such a registry might help with international travel, but why go thru the hassle of a db for such a tiny segment of the population? Much bigger issues to address.


We opened to everyone 16 up in NC on Wednesday. Both DD2 and DH got their second shot this week at pharmacies. It was barren, we overhead the pharmacy calling people telling them they missed their appointments. Hopefully, it is because they found them somewhere else! :woman_shrugging:

My understanding is that NY’s pass is meant to be used where an event or business requires proof of vaccination or negative test results. It is meant to make it easy not to restrict anything. Not sure there’d be any grounds to challenge it (at least right now) since it’s not like you have to show it to use public transportation or anything like that.

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Clearly, private businesses can do whey they want. But focus on the word, “event”. Those events, which include “sporting events” per the NYS website, are held in public venues…

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My understanding is that it applies to events held at locations like the Barclay’s Center, Citifield, Yankee Stadium - these are not public spaces. If you need a ticket to enter or it’s not a space owned by a governmental unit or agency, I’d argue that it’s not public, by definition. Now, if you’re talking about a softball game at a diamond in Central Park, I’d agree with you. Just as an example, I’ve heard of yet to hear of a challenge to the need for proof of vaccination (doctor’s letter, CDC card or Excelsior Pass are all acceptable) or a negative test to attend a baseball game at Yankee Stadium - the requirements are listed on the MLB website.

But back to the thread’s regularly scheduled topic - vaccine appointments are currently available more easily across NYS in all sorts of locations, from pharmacies to FEMA sites to State-run sites. A big shout out to those who created Twitter bots (and other sites) to help people find vaccines, it’s been very helpful.

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Broadway, many venues are private property and want to protect health of Payton’s. They’re perfectly within their rights to require proof of vaccination for health and safety of staff and others present.

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The problem is the proof. The cards are a little bit large. If they were the size of a credit card, it would be more manageable. It could fit in a wallet or in those sleeves on the back of a phone. And then what happens if it gets lost? It’s not like a license where you can go back to the MVA/DMV to have a new one issued.

MD has a database for immunizations which I never knew until a few days ago. I created an account, logged in and saw that my COVID and flu vaccine were both there. Covid vaccine was received at a FEMA run mass vacc site and flu vaccine at my local CVS. I was able to connect my (dependent) daughter’s account to mine and she has the same two vaccines listed. I then tried to local my (not dependent) 18 y/o son’s vaccines. No records matched - he had the flu vaccine the same day as my daughter and I did. He got his COVID vacc at a Rite Aid. Not sure why I can’t find his but did find my daughter’s.

We all will have a photo of our cards stored on our phones, I will send a copy to their pediatrician and keep a copy at home with our other important papers. While I’m happy to have an app to show proof so I don’t have to carry a card around, so far, there doesn’t seem to be one here. I don’t relish the thought of sending my son back to college with his card (won’t fit in his phone case for one thing), but he does like to attend sporting events in NY. If venues are going to require proof, since lost cards are not really replaceable, it would be helpful if there was something more universally accepted, whether it is a photo of the card, or an app that accessible to all, not just those vaccinated in NY.

Proof will be/is a logistical nightmare for US students let alone factoring in international. My head is spinning !

Wake has an app the kids use for wellness screening and contact tracing and they can enter their vaccinations when they receive them.

Michigan also has a database for immunizations.

Maybe we don’t need a national system because we already have state systems.

It will be interesting to see how the airlines, the concert venues and sports stadiums handle their capacity and proof of vaccination against the coronavirus.

I do want to say that I and I am sure most others on this forum are doing everything we can to protect our citizens. But I and most others here also would like to be vaccinated and free of concern by that vaccine. And hope for the day that we don’t need to test before traveling to our destination.


It’s spring break here from the public schools and there is a lot of vacation travel taking place. I hope we don’t see another surge in a couple of weeks.

This probably is in the wrong thread…should be in how will things change once vaccinated. Oops.

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Michigan is seeing a huge surge, but most other states are not (yet?) seeing a surge in cases. New Jersey has a high case rate, but it may not necessarily be a surge since its case rate did not go down by much after the winter, unlike in most other states.

Things are bad in Michigan. Any shut downs are voluntary.

Many of our outbreaks are the variant, many of the outbreaks are from school sports which were paused but now have started again.

Stores are crowded, mask wearing is weak.

The good news is that my husband and I will be 2 weeks post vaccine 2 on Tuesday


5-6 days ago people were concerned that illinois is opening to 16+ this Monday. Vaccines were hard to come by in the Chicagoland area. Then about 72 hours ago it was like someone turned on a faucet. There are tons of appointments available. It’s quite amazing.


Absolutely! This came across today at a school near me.


I think this was a mistake and you should not have been able to get into your adult child’s records. It doesn’t matter if she’s still a dependent or that you may have paid for the vaccinations. The day my daughter turned 18 I could no longer get her records from the Florida dept of health and she was still in high school (we needed them to register for college)so definitely still a dependent. On the other hand, her 17 year old sister couldn’t register for college without my signing the vaccination record.

I think they were trying to make my life difficult.

My daughter is 16 and a dependent. I was able to access her info and link it to my account b/c she is underage.

My son is 18 and we were using his information (his cell phone, email, etc.) He was sitting there with me so when I say I was trying to locate it, I should say “we” but in any case, the computer doesn’t know who is entering the information. It is his personal info, I was just the one entering it. He was sitting there with me in case we needed a code or something sent to his phone, but nope, didn’t even get that far. It basically said there were no records that matched his name and address. I was not trying to link his account to mine, just trying to find it.

Just logged on to the vaccine scheduling site here in AZ. There are many, many, many appointments available. I sure hope this does not mean people are avoiding the shot…

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In NYS, there will be 35K vaccines available first to the State University system, then to any NYS college or university that would like to vaccinate their students.


Just got a popup…52% of adults in CT have received at least one shot. We are getting there!