Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

And today this just came across my news:

Breaking News: Connecticut will halt use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine after federal recommendation.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health on Tuesday morning announced that the state will “pause” its administration of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, after the federal government recommended the suspension while it investigates rare cases of potentially dangerous blood clots.

My son in Colorado was supposed to get J & J yesterday but found out a couple days ahead that he would be getting Pfizer instead. So glad he has had one dose now.


PA opened up for all over 16 today, a week earlier than expected, so both my kids are now eligible. I took at look at CVS this morning and for the first time since I’ve started this process (back when my H was looking for an appointment), all CVS in PA are completely booked.

Edited to add that my daughter just texted me that she and her boyfriend got appointments on Saturday at a Rite Aid for Pfizer.


Sad to hear J&J is halted. We’re not that far along in MA ( at all). Still haven’t gotten to the point where mid aged folks have all been vaccinated. Coming soon. No where near some states which are giving vaccines to the very young already. Bad roll-out. This won’t help.

And more people will die due to the suspension of J&J than will be saved. By a large margin. :frowning:

Yes, not to mention folks with auto-immune and other issues who have been patiently waiting for J&J. And yes, I’ve heard more than a few stories from people who have skipped the line :scream:
Still patiently waiting and teaching kids to do the same and trying not to “out” the friends and family who did what they wanted.
Let’s hope the J&J hold is very temporary. I am willing to roll the dice.

Last 2 kids become eligible April 19, in MA and RI. I fear they will wait forever for appts. Especially in MA, groups are becoming eligible well before the previous groups have been served adequately. There are STILL 75+ folks in MA languishing in the random appointment system waiting for a vaccination.

Yep, I hear you we’re in MA also. Terrible.

I know it’s frustrating for those in states like MA, but according to the numbers on the NPR site, MA is doing very well getting the population covered. The states that have plenty of openings for anyone seem to be because nobody wants the shot. At least MA will have a chance at herd immunity. I’m afraid my area will stall at 35-40% once it’s all said and done.


My Colorado son was able to get an appointment very quickly after registration opened up for all. He had to travel from Denver to Colorado Springs yesterday to get the first dose but worth it. Hope appointments for your kids open up more quickly that you are expecting.

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Massachusetts is a state where demographics suggest a high level of vaccine enthusiasm, so it is not surprising that there are still shortages there. States where anyone can get vaccine next day are those where demographics suggest low vaccine enthusiasm and high vaccine refusal.

Well then, send the vaccines to us in MA, where we want the thing! Why send vaccine to states whose people choose to not be inoculated?

NOTE: I mean all this in jest (kinda!), since that would never happen!


Though I live in California now, I’m from Massachusetts, so believe me I know how frustrating it is for people there who are struggling to get an appointment or who are not yet eligible, but the Mass rollout is not slow, it’s among the fastest in the nation; there just appears to be a huge level of enthusiasm for the shot, which is not surprising given the states’s demographics.

The federal government has said it will continue to deliver shots to states based on population, and will not consider things like levels of enthusiasm or outbreaks (eg, Michigan). I can understand the CDC’s position that vaccines will probably not squash an outbreak already in progress, but reading about tens of thousands of doses sitting unused in some states is incredibly frustrating.

I have lots of family in MA as well as friends’ kids at college there and they’ve all been able to get vaccinated. Some were early in because they’re in the healthcare field but most are not. They’ve had to travel around outside Boston proper but not very far.

Hope your kids get appointments soon! Seems like things are moving in the right direction.

Adding…I believe MA Health care workers were up first. There are a ton of hospitals in MA, plus a ton of EMS, firefighters, etc. Getting this huge number done along with their seniors was a priority.

I agree. But I think they are trying to make sure that everyone who wants one can get it first. My solution for our area is to give everyone who gets a shot a free pizza and/or $10 Walmart gift card. That would get things moving here. (Only very slightly in jest. Free food at any event brings out the masses every time.)

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I am in a state where our Mass vaccination site no longer requires appointments. I posted this on my FB and 3 “friends” wrote that they are not even considering the vaccine. I have a kid that is wanting to wait, and I respect that for now, but to say “not getting vaccinated” is going to hold up everything. Our state is last in vaccines and outside of the metro areas for weeks there have been tons of appointments . Here everyone who wants a vaccine likely has gotten it, and that will run about 40% of the total population when all is said and done.

Yes. MA was hard hit several times so people know of many who’ve been affected. It’s easier to criticize than create a plan. That said, many cities and towns had local clinics and staff and were replaced/rebuffed by the gov’s plan to hold huge events at Fenway park etc. Eventually things will come into equilibrium. Demand is VERY high so are masks ( almost 100%)
Some cities and towns were/are incredibly hard hit. For them, I hope the roll out is smooth.

Michigan needs to step up their jab game as they are only 30th in vaccination rate at 79%; i.e., they have plenty of unused vax in freezers. In contrast, MA is 5th at 87%.

I posted in the vaccine reluctance thread a newspaper article that talks about the hard climb rural Michigan has to vaccinate. And the atmosphere that exists outside of metropolitan areas.

I do not live in the area where the article is based. But I will say that it was the most truthful and realistic article of what my experience has been.