Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Santa Clara County has appointments for vaccines. Or at least they did as of a week ago for group 1b. I was able to go in and schedule it for someone without any issue who met the criteria. I couldn’t believe how easy it was. Here in my county in IL, we are still waiting for them to start with 1b. It’s slow going but supposedly starting on 1/25. I’m hoping things will ramp up as I am now back in school in front of kids, although I do feel safe and don’t do anything unnecessary to put myself at risk, I can definitely see how easy it is for people to be caught off guard. I watched about 30 staff walk into the same door yesterday. Every single one of them had to touch the same door knob one after another. It didn’t even hit me at first. When it did a little while later, I was grateful I carried my own container of wipes to school and made sure not to open any door or touch any surface without either having a wipe in my hand, or immediately grabbing one right after. I also locked myself in a classroom to each lunch by myself as opposed to going in any room where any other staff may be without masks. I have no desire to put myself or my family members at added risk. We have come too far and are too close to getting the vaccines and hopefully getting through this to kabosh it all now.

Now if my college students can also hang in there and make it until they can be vaccinated.

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Surface contamination is considered a possible, but not a very likely, means of transmission, though some caution may be warranted with heavily touched surfaces in case someone coughs virus in their hand and then touches the doorknob immediately before you. But if all of those 30 people were going into the same enclosed space and filling the air with their breath…

Masks are required so that’s really not the concern, it’s more that it’s one person after another coming in touching doors from within the building immediately after each other within seconds of one another. It wouldn’t bother me if it were not within seconds, but this was people coming into the staff work room first thing in the am, so walking from their cars after putting their masks on then right into that room, and/or could also have been right after going to the bathroom, so not even giving it a chance that they leave something there on the door. Unfortunately, I have been in one too many bathrooms with adults where they don’t was their hands, so god only knows where some of these hands were only a few mins before they put their masks on. Just a better safe than sorry philosophy.

Anyone have any info on Orange County, CA? My friend is trying to help out her parents.

I carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket where ever I go. I use it after touching all public surfaces.

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Masks are not virus-tight protection. Typical masks may stop 2/3 or so of exhaled virus, and protect you against maybe 1/3 or so of virus in the air. If that is the level of protection, then everyone wearing masks would mean that it would take 4.5 times as long to get infected compared to no one wearing masks. If it takes 10 minutes to get infected without masks in an enclosed space, it would take 45 minutes with masks. So masks may protect you in a 15 or 20 minute dash into and out of a grocery store, but not 4 or 8 hours working inside near someone who is contagious.


I think you misunderstood my comment. I know masks are not 100% effective.

When there are appropriate air filtration symptoms, appropriate social distancing, 100% mask wearing, and other proper measures, such as testing/tracing in place, the risk of transmission is very low and schools can open safely. In the area I live there are no cases of transmission in school between students or staff/students. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to take extra precautions of my own to further decrease any chance of of putting myself at risk.

100% this and wipes I also keep in my car at all times! I found it a lot easier to keep the wipes in the car and clean everything when I go to a bank, getting gas, or something like Walgreens drive up as opposed to wearing gloves and having a false sense of security, and as of now as you know, it hasn’t been cold enough here yet to wear gloves!

I also constantly wipe down my phone, laptop and other devices constantly, and coins. I used to work at a bank in college and back then learned that money was the most diseased thing out there, so between that and knowing how germy our phones, etc must already be, just makes me more hyper-aware of all of it! Who knew that buying “phone soap” after Shark Tank a few years ago, would be worth it? lol

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What is so special about “phone soap” as opposed to using regular soap and water to wash your phone (assuming a water resistant phone)?

Can we get back on topic, please?

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OC public – non-health care – is supposed to use Othena (web or app) to register. You/she have to check it frequently to jump on time slots when they open up.

Most health care workers are getting vaccinations from their place of work.

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The LA County website was clunky. The first page showed lots of available dates for the vaccine at various sites. But after I’d filled out five pages or so of information and then tried to find an appointment, the first couple of sites showed ‘no appointments available’. So then rather than being able to jump to another vaccine site, I had to go back to the beginning. At least the information I’d already filled out, except for the signature, was stored and I didn’t have to re-do the five pages.

I go today. I hope the line goes smoothly.

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I was finally able to get a vaccine appointment for my mother through her doctors medical group.


Relieved my elderly parents were able to get their first dose this morning. The information for getting signed up/registered in my state (MD) has been very confusing and disorganized. After learning last week that MD was moving to 1B, which includes my parents, it took me (and them) a lot of effort trying to figure out how to get them an appointment. They were finally able to secure an appointment, but it was not until mid-March.

With some help from a friend, a day later I was able to schedule them an appointment for this morning, but it was at my local hospital in a different county. They had signed up with the same medical group in their own county (they live a mile over my county border) but had not heard back. The questionnaire I filled out specifically asked if they lived or worked in my county (answered “no”) but it still allowed me to schedule them. I was a little nervous they might get turned away when they showed up for their appointment since they are not county residents, but all went smoothly and their second dose appointment is already scheduled.

I really wish there was a centralized system for getting registered. So much conflicting or at least, lack of information being put out by my state. It was like a vicious circle when I tried to schedule them using the website/link the state is advertising.

I was able to “pre-register” with my county health department to be notified when my group is eligible. When I signed up, it indicated it would be May or June before they get to my group, which is basically the last one.


@taverngirl The Othena site appears to be full of glitches. Hopefully they will get them ironed out. I have tried to make appointments for my mom maybe 100 times since Sunday and not once have any appointments been available. I just read on the Nextdoor App that they will email you to schedule a vaccination appointment rather than having to check multiple times. Also if you are a member of Kaiser they are supposedly vaccinating their members. Supposedly they only gave OC 3000 doses yesterday.

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Why they don’t hand all these website glitches over to Ticket Master who has this down to a science is beyond me.


The latest theory about why the warning indicator on 35 out of 50 shipments Monday in Maine came on is that the gel packs were too COLD. If this is the case, the doses would be safe and effective. The manufacturer’s scientists are investigating the situation. If the theory turns out to be correct, the doses will be OK to use. But they won’t use them until they get assurance it’s OK.

The state did get replacements very quickly, so there was only a short delay in the vaccination process this week.

I read that the same thing happened in Michigan.

I was able to schedule my vaccine at Walgreens in IL for next Wednesday (I work in Education). It was an annoying ordeal, but once I figured out the system it was easy. Now I need to do round 2 for my parents. It’s not the most user friendly system as each person registering needs their own account at Walgreens and they only release dates up to a week in advance. So right now only through next Wed show. But at midnight tonight, they will release for next Thursday and then the hunt is on.

If you live in IL and are over 65 or in group 1b, you can schedule as long as your date is after 1/25.

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I am the big loser in the vaccine game for my family. My elderly father got his first shot this week, my husband is scheduled for early February (existing conditions), and my daughter’s place of work (health center) is now doing everybody (even those who working from home). I will be waiting around for months I guess.