Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

The NJ governor’s Twitter is full of accounts of people getting the vaccine. It makes me angry because my husband (1B, essential worker and cancer) cannot get an appt. anywhere. It is really poor public relations to rub it in our faces like this. Just admit that the number of vaccines is inadequate and it will take a long time. I’m tired of the propaganda.


Did you sign up on the Walgreens site? Trying to figure out how to schedule my dad- any specific info appreciated. Thx

Yes! Make sure he has his own account. Log in right at midnight CST and when you get through to the locations, I clicked the one closest to me, but for the times, the first one I clicked by the time I got to the next screen it said time is gone, so when I went back, I clicked on a time a few hours later, so I would start right away with a time in the middle because the site is so busy people are snatching up the first times as soon as they get on it.

I got a confirm right away. I also heard that a lot of people on the south side aren’t showing up for their appointments so if you look throughout the day at those walgreens you can usually find something the day of or day in advance. I’m fine waiting until Wed because I don’t work on Wednesdays. I heard today it also cancelled people in group 1b who were scheduled between now and Monday because it was too early for them, even though they had been vaccinating them for the past 2 weeks! Ridiculous.

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Two of my family members in Oregon are in the 1 a group and have been vaccinated. They were given an appointment by our local health department and said the whole process took 15 minutes from start to finish.

FIL was able to sign himself and his wife up for the vaccine in FL! He got up in the middle of the night and waited on an online queue for 90 minutes but they have appointments for next week. 80 and co-morbidities for both of them.


For people in NJ…I signed my mother up to get her vaccine through the government website. Yesterday I received an email to say she was eligible. Today I received an email to schedule an appt for her. They showed many more sites than what’s listed on the government’s website. I was able to get an appt for her close to her house. I didn’t confirm it because she already got her shot. For all you in NJ, it is worthwhile to pre-register for the vaccines because they will notify you when it is your turn.


Oldfort I’m glad to hear that. We are preregistered on the NJ vaccination site and have emails designating our categories. I’m glad to hear that it’s actually working.


Not encouraging to get an email from our PCP’s practice, a large one in Maine: “I know many of you are eager to receive the vaccine, and I wish I could provide you with a timeframe. The supply of vaccine we received this week is less than a third of what is needed to vaccinate patients in their eighties and nineties. The Maine CDC continues to lobby for an increase in our allotment, and we are prepared to ramp up our vaccination efforts when that happens.”

My mom (88) got the Moderna vaccine this morning at Wegmans. Her appointment was 11:30am and my sister texted me a picture of her getting the shot at 11:50am. She was given an appointment for the second shot in 4 weeks. I booked the appointment on Wednesday and got it only because I was relentlessly refreshing about 6 websites. The system is clearly broken, but I hopes that it will now improve and I am so grateful I was able to get her vaccinated.


They are still vaccinating the 1A group here. A friend works in a grocery store with a pharmacy that is a vaccine provider. At the end of the day, if there were extra doses left, they would be offered to store employees. A few days ago, she was at the right place at the right time.


I read that Amazon has offered to help. I am optimistic that will improve things


Happy Day here in IL! Just signed my parents and their caregiver up for the vaccine at Walmart on Thursday as we move to 1b. Tons of appointments and the easiest portal yet! Walgreens portal for the vaccine is the worst ever. I was up at 12am 3 nights in a row. It doesn’t allow you to sign up 2 people under one account so you wind up getting lucky if you can get 2 on the same day at all. I got my dad one finally at 1am last night very far away, but not my mother. So happy we got the WalMart today. This made me feel like a teenager again vying for concert tickets at Ticketmaster when we would just call nonstop and try to get through. Ugh that was the worst!

My vaccine is Wednesday as an educatory, my parents on Thursday which is the best news yet, and hopefully my children followed by my husband in the next few months.

Be safe everyone and don’t give up trying to get it!


San Diego County just opened up for age 65. My husband and I made appointments at the super site drive through at Petco for Tuesday noon. There are also a number of walk in sites, but Petco is actually the closest and most convenient. Hopefully by mid-day they’ll have straightened out early bird traffic jams. Or not. But at least we’ll have each other to whine with. And we can compare side effects and both be miserable together.

So suddenly everyone we know is getting on the schedule. Huzzah!

Unfortunately son up in Seattle has no priority situations so will be in the regular adult group whenever Washington gets to it.


I’m so jealous of those of you who live in states that have vaccine signups for seniors. MA is doing such a terrible job on this. My husband is 66 with a major comorbidity and we have no idea when he is going to be able to sign up. Maybe late February?

As for me, I’m only 60 and healthy so I’m at the end of the line somewhere.

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I think MA is one of the only states not on 75+ right now, against the revised CDC guidelines. I really don’t understand why it is so slow. I keep hearing stories of things opening up quickly in other states, in pharmacies, large drive up sites etc, and we in MA are not even through phase 1. Maybe we will be surprised in a week or two, but it seems there is a lot of work to be done.

I live in MA too and agree that the information about getting vaccines is not particularly helpful. H and I are both over 65 and he has one comorbidity. We filled out pre-registration forms online from our local board of health, but have heard nothing. We would be in phase 2. Our neighbor is a volunteer EMT and he did get the vaccine last week.

I took my mother yesterday to get her first dose. On the ride over, I received an update call from one of the many distribution orgs I registered her with - she was number 70,000+ on the waitlist, they received 2,000 doses for the week, and were vaccinating those around 10,000 on the waitlist. So glad her hospital is taking care of its elderly patients and making sure they get vaccinated early. The vaccination site was very well run with great staff and she has her appointment for the next dose.

This is not based on anything other than my own opinions from things I’ve read.

Vaccine rollout is a portion of that state’s population. Different states have a different proportion of health care workers and those in group 1A. I remember reading that Massachusetts has a high level of health care workers as a percentage of its population. Also in some states, they have had a significant portion of group 1A decide not to receive the vaccine right now.

So I can surmise from what might be going on. Massachusetts has more people to vaccinate in their first group to the doses of vaccine that they have received. They also might have a higher percentage of the people eligible have decided to get the vaccine.

It’s not bad. It just means that certain states may not be able to start vaccinating the next group eligible because of the amount of doses that they are receiving.

I may be completely wrong and Massachusetts is not getting the vaccine out in a efficient manner. But offering a suggestion as to why some states are able to move to another group and other states aren’t. This is what happens when every state has a different response and different percentages of those people in each group.


I think @deb922 post makes a lot of sense.

We have this stop comparing what’s happening state to state and just try snd make sense or get an understanding how it is and will work in your state.

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Isn’t the whole point of this thread to compare what is going on in different states?

@deb922 Do you live in MA? MA has used less than half of the vaccines they have received. All the vaccines are sitting in freezers waiting. IMO the state has spent so much time worrying about who is in what group and whether the groups are in the correct order that the actual part about getting vaccines in people’s arms has taken a back seat. The only places giving vaccines right now are healthcare facilities, long term care facilities, and Gillette stadium (where the Patriots play). There are no vaccines for anyone at Walmart, Wegmans, pharmacies, etc. That just doesn’t exist here. It sounds like @Bromfield2’s town has a local sign up for notification. I went to my town website last night after reading that and we don’t have that here yet. The town covid website just has a count of cases with not even a mention of vaccines.