Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

I’m the OP. Actually when I created this thread it was to give people a place to post about the rollout in their state so others would know. Things like posting where to contact, what groups are being given vaccines, how the vaccine sites were operating.

It was NOT intended to compare what was happening in other states…it was supposed to be informational so folks could see what was happening in THEIR state and be able to act on it.


Frankly, I think comparisons help with accountability. More information is always good, and can prompt citizens to demand explanations from their elected officials, to which they are entitled. Maybe MA does have more healthcare workers; if so, state officials should say so. If not, those citizens can draw their own conclusions about municipal competence. This should not be a secret.


Here is an article about vaccine distribution. One of the first lines in the article says that approximately 50.4% of the shots distributed haven’t been used yet.

Vaccinations aren’t happening here either at pharmacies, Walmart, etc. I have zero idea where I would go to get one if I was > 65. Work is supposed to take care of me and H. It it could be months for us essential workers in 1b.

My area did vaccinate 1000 people yesterday at an event at the local uni. But, they didn’t publicize it until all the slots were full. I guess those with inside connections were able to get it.


Here in CT, the health care systems have an online registration form. Some agencies are using the VAMS CDC signup which also can be used for when you are eligible in our state. There is also a phone number which can be used.

In all cases, you can’t do a sign up for vaccine appointment until you are eligible either by age or because of one of the other criteria allowed. We are in the first part of phase 1B which added folks 75 and older to the already eligible phase 1 A group.

When you use the online sign up, or call, you are given time and location options for where and when you can get your shot.

Larger immunization places are opening up in this state and that is helping keep the numbers immunized sort of decent.

My daughter works for a health care facility in Boston. She works from home and does not have any patient contact. Her employer is now offering to vaccinate everybody who works for the company. I think they were disappointed by the number of patient contacting workers who said no thank you when they were offered the vaccine (they have been offering various videos, presentations, etc. to improve this rate.)
I would think that between the higher ed facilities, the research facilities, the drug companies, and the many hospitals, MA would have a larger percentage of people in the top categories compared to other states.


This was in the Boston Globe this morning…

Low vaccination numbers raise fears Mass. isn’t ready for larger pool of eligible patients

Six weeks after the first COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for emergency use, Massachusetts — celebrated as a national health care leader — ranks in the bottom half of US states in getting injections into the arms of its residents. Massachusetts trails every other New England state, as well as New York, in the number of vaccine doses administered per capita, according to federal figures.

A Globe review suggests that a combination of technical problems, unexpected rates of resistance by health workers to taking the vaccine, and policy choices — including a decision to start vaccinating nursing home workers and staff a week later than four other New England states — conspired to set Massachusetts back coming out of the gate.”

I will point out that in my very unscientific way, I counted the states that have vaccinated 4.8% of their population or less in the USA Today chart I referenced. I see 23 states, Puerto Rico and DC are also listed. that have vaccinated 4.8% (which is what they have Massachusetts at) or less.

So yes in the bottom half. But lots of company

VA doesn’t have an online system. Or didn’t. Friday they made a local pre registration online system that they announced along with the 1000 event that was full. I may look at that though technically we are told we are supposed to go through work - which has given me no timeline (I am registered with work), and my employer also covers police and fire who are also still waiting with no timeline. And H was told 2-3 months for teachers. But of course, city council all got theirs last week. I am beyond steamed.

Update from Maine: “The three main groups currently eligible for vaccine in Maine include about 200,000 people age 70 and older and 130,000 health care workers and first responders. There are about 18,000 first doses of vaccine trickling into Maine each week. Yes, that’s about 18,000 doses to provide first doses of vaccine to 330,000 people. The need and demand far outstrip the supply, as they do across the country. The issue is not so much who gets priority as it is when can we can get more vaccine?”

@me29034 if you know half are waiting in freezers does your news source for that info also say why?

Are a % of those being counted on to be the 2nd vaccine for some of those health care workers who received #1?

In my state Ohio - or at least my area if the state -I’m not aware of retail stores giving out the vaccine at this point either. You can best compare only in your own state. (Or region of state!)

No my news source does not say why they are sitting in freezers and I don’t work in health care so I have no special insight.

I’m so glad you were able to get those appointments and appreciate you posting the information. Unfortunately, I cannot even find any info on the Walgreens site to sign up and Walmart only has a few appointments in a neighborhood that my dad does not want to travel to - he is fine staying home for now and feels confident his doctor will have information for him on where to go soon. Unfortunately, I don’t feel as confident about this!

@leftrightleft At midnight Walmart will add a new day, just as Walgreens does. I know people that did this last night, so he/you may have better luck getting him in then. Osco also has spots all over you just have to keep looking and expand your radius to find them. I got my parents in at the Walmart on N. Broadway this week so we’re really happy. Walmart will also schedule the second vaccine we’ve been told on the spot, whereas, Walgreens apparently doesn’t. I’ve heard people are having trouble getting that second vaccine. I have also now heard that people are showing up at various Walgreens at the end of the day in hopes of getting the extra doses that may be left in the vials or from people that just haven’t shown up. Sometimes they have as many as 10 doses available. Hope some of those suggestions work. My friend and her family are going to the Cermak walmart on Tuesday. My friend got her husband there this week after signing in at midnight this morning.

If your dad is part of North Shore, they will start to email their patients. If he’s part of Northwestern, patients have been started to be notified by their primary doctors and it has shown up on their mychart from what we’ve been told.

Thank you for all this very helpful information!

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My father got his first shot on Tuesday in MN in his continuing care residence. They had two vaccination teams that visited everyone’s room. I’m very relieved that he has gotten his first shot.

NJ governor Murphy is now blaming the slow rollout in NJ on Walgreens. He regrets participating in the federal gov’t/Walgreens/CVS partnership. He says the state centers are undersupplied.

County officials are opening a large vaccination center in Monmouth County NJ (Brookdale CC). I signed up on the county website as well as the state, but the county list has 11,000 people on it already. The county has only received 500 doses a week thus far but the number is supposed to increase to 2500 per week. County population is 618K.

Folks here are saying it’s empty at our town’s vaccination center in west orange. My daughter signed up because she’s 1a (works at the PT center at college), went to DE this weekend and ended up getting vaccinated there. She will be back there full time in a few weeks so timing couldn’t have been better.

At least in NJ that’s what my H was been made to understand. He is a health care worker and received his first shot 12/31 and is getting his second this week. With all the talk about shortages he was concerned that there wouldn’t be a second one within the suggested timeframes. His hospital system has said they kept supplies back to prevent that from happening. We’re still keeping our fingers - and toes - crossed.


That is correct - hospitals/health care has to plan ahead to have those 2nd vaccines available. No easy task when you don’t know for sure what week brings in terms of supply.

These are the things that people aren’t necessarily thinking about in the general public. If the vaccine was a “one and done” things would be more efficient and speedy.

We need to not lose sight of the fact that we are so so very lucky to have this vaccine in such a short time.


MN seems to be doing a good job in their care residences. My sister-in-law’s mother was vaccinated (first dose) two weeks ago. My brother-in-law, 65, was sent a notice through his health care provider on Friday that he was eligible to sign up. He had his first dose the next day. He is also in MN.

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