Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Great post @ucbalumnus

And they probably also realize that an online appointment system would likely result in most of their time slots being taken by higher SES people from outside the target region, squeezing out the targeted underserved demographic there (that may not even have good enough computers and internet access to compete for appointments on overloaded web sites). They probably also realize that queuing in cars would take up too much space in an urban area, and exclude residents who do not have cars (common in urban areas by poverty or by choice).

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Poor areas here get mobile clinics-like the trailers used for blood drive or public library outreach. I commend the intent of those in Philly, but our local leaders would have pointed out it would be a disaster organized like that. Doctors do not necessarily know anything about crowd control and management; why would you think they could plan such an event? It isnt exactly the AMA convention.

The mobile trailer would still get a large queue.

Perhaps this is a cynical thought, but maybe the long queue in the weather helped ensure that people outside the target demographic did not show in large numbers. Perhaps the poor people who do not turn on the heat at home because they cannot afford it put up with queuing in the weather, while the non-poor people are deterred by the ā€œdisasterā€ and go back to competing for vaccine appointments on web sites from the comfort of their heated homes.

Please let me whine for a second.

Iā€™m in Michigan, our vaccine rollout is very narrow and very specific. They donā€™t seem to be opening up for more categories.

Right now, itā€™s people over 65, health professionals, first responders. And teachers who are being vaccinated through their schools. In my county it looks like other than schools, only the county health department is giving vaccines.

My husband is an essential worker, he was told that he would be category 1B. Michigan has decided to vaccinate those over 65, their category is 1C. Other than teachers and prioritized frontline workers and correctional staff, all other essential workers look to be pushed back.

My husband also has 2 autoimmune diseases and he had a heart attack before he was 50. Despite all of these things, right now Iā€™m feeling like we are going to be sitting in our house for awhile. The chart that Michigan has sent out says May!

I donā€™t care about myself, but I am so worried about him. He isnā€™t 65 yet.

Itā€™s just so hard to see other states opening things up for things that my husband has but Michigan has decided not to!

I read an article in the Detroit Free Press that autoworkers thought that they would be prioritized and be receiving vaccines. According to that article, no auto workers in Michigan have received any vaccines. I thought my husbandā€™s workplace would be able to vaccinate their employees, but so far only a handful have been authorized. Only those who go into peoples homes, not those who have to go to work everyday.

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations!


I hope he is able to get one very soon

My mother went to her second shot today. Drive through at a baseball park, 5000 people today (and yesterday). They werenā€™t waiting for hours. The check in and shot took about 8 minutes, and then she had to wait for 15 minutes. It was chilly this morning, but not that bad (so could have waited without the car running). Not hours.

Last week it was really cold here, like 5 degrees in the mornings. They had fewer appts scheduled (like 1000) so they had tents set up where the cars could drive in. It was mostly to keep those giving the shots warm.

Right now, they are going for quantity. They can get the most vaccines into arms at drive up clinics. Yes, it favors the younger and wealthier people (who have cars and can drive) but someone has to get the shots. I think they are going to keep having these 10k weekend events until the demand is met, and still continue to do the walk ups in city centers, in churches and community centers for minority groups. My state is still in 1B.2, so 65 and up, teachers, and health care workers (and all the other specialty groups the governor has let slip in).

I donā€™t think the next big (huge really) group will be called up until mid-March, and maybe by then the J&J shot will be out. That will really help since it is a one shot thing and can be given to populations that might be hard to track down for a second shot (homeless, prison population, students, sun birds).

Iā€™m in that next group and I would prefer the J&J shot.


Interesting article about pushing for cancer patients and survivors to move up on the vaccine list - Top Cancer Organizations Urge President Biden To Prioritize Covid-19 Vaccines For People With Cancer

Everyone wants their group to move up. Teachers moved up because their union pushed it. Grocery workers moved up before store workers or other groups that interact with the public, and unions had a part in that.

We arenā€™t to the medical conditions moving you up, but donā€™t you think that cancer patients want to move in front of heart patients and diabetics?

Everyone wants to be next. We had a news article that the parents and brother interviewed wanted to be moved up to priority one because the younger child has Type 1 diabetes. He canā€™t get the shot because heā€™s only 14, but the parents want to leave the house again. A friend was not happy because she (age 71) qualified, but her husband didnā€™t qualify and he is the caretaker for their special needs daughter (who is in her 20s). Well, they got him qualified as HER caretaker, not the caretaker for the child.

Everyone wants to be first, before ā€œyou,ā€ because their need is more important. My brother does not qualify (yet) even though he is diabetic, heart issues, amputee. My mother has (not had, has) cancer, diabetes, other issues, but only qualified because she is 85. She did not get to go to the head of the ā€˜old people lineā€™ because she had several conditions.

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Not a surprise when a cutthroat competitive society like the US is faced with rationing a scarce resource.

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Iā€™ve been checking VAMS (and elsewhere) every day, with no luck. An hour ago I logged into VAMS to check again, and was able to schedule back-to-back appointments tomorrow for my husband and me (weā€™re 65+). So keep on checking-- you never know when an appointment will open up.


There are plenty of people (not me!) that donā€™t want the vaccine . Or are still deciding ā€¦ glad to defer. Otherwise the demand would be even greater.

Hey I know that everyone wants their group moved up. I was saying that this state by state prioritization is hard for those who are not eligible in their state, are in others. Thatā€™s all.

I think that voicing frustration is allowed here. At least I hope so. Iā€™m very aware that everyone is frustrated.

Some states have more categories of people eligible for vaccines. Some are still pretty restricted. I wish I knew why that was.


Which country does not have folks that are trying to ā€œmove upā€? There are incredible benefits to being a competitive society and most are when it comes to scarce resources.

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Just want to point out that the article I posted was about medical professionals who care for cancer patients asking that they be moved up because these patients are at a higher risk of severe illness and dying of Covid-19. They want them ahead of healthy 65 year olds (not ahead of other medical conditions).

How about vaccinating by age ( by far the most likely to die) and notifying by snail mail ?


Snail mail? The notification probably would come after the scheduled appointment.


If it helps at all, being eligible in NY does not equate to getting vaccinated. It just means you are allowed to enter a complicated, confusing and difficult system by which millions of people are fighting for thousands of shots every day.

We still have people in 1A and over 75 who canā€™t get an appointment, so opening to everyone over 16 with a pre-existing condition is not great for those people.

It will get better when supply increases enough to cover everyone who wants a vaccineā€”hopefully sometime in April or May :crossed_fingers:t3: :pray:t3:

I am so sorry that you have to worry in the meantime and Iā€™m glad you expressed that. We would all have to be Buddhist monks to wait calmly and patiently all the time in this situation!


H spent last Friday and Saturday on the cardiac floor of a local hospital. Hospital staff said up until two weeks ago they had vaccines at the hospital to give to eligible patients who were admitted. Governor Baker pulled them to give them to mass vaccination sites so now they donā€™t have any. Nurses were upset that they have cardiac patients who are eligible for vaccines but none to give them and that instead patients are forced to navigate the stateā€™s website to try and find them.

We took a couple days off from looking because of the hospital stay but will start again today. Nothing is available anywhere in the state right now as far as we can tell. Thereā€™s only one Walgreens within 30 miles of our house thatā€™s even on the list so I donā€™t think we will bother with them. I canā€™t see H driving an hour into Boston to get a vaccine - he doesnā€™t know the city and doesnā€™t feel comfortable driving there. Closer to us there are many CVS (all full) plus Wegmans, Price Chopper and some sites in Worcester. We are open to any mass vaccination site but Fenway. I passed on Springfield last Thursday thinking I could get something closer but Iā€™m now kicking myself for that. If I see that again, I am jumping on it.

Iā€™m so sorry. I think there might be some hope with the CVS slots that are full, if CVS is working like Rite Aid. I was relentless in refreshing on Rite Aid when they were full while looking for my in laws. I was able, after many hours of mindless refreshing to secure appointments through cancellations within 3 days for both my MIL and FIL. It might be worth a day or so of frustrating refreshing if you can stand having one hand clicking all day or have some people help you.